From the Bridgewater Mercury:
IF you’re expecting a letter tomorrow, you might be waiting a little longer than you thought.
Around 80 delivery postmen and women were on strike from 1pm in Bridgwater on Wednesday November 11.
They walked out of Bridgwater Delivery Office without a ballot, which currently means the strikers have no protection in being dismissed, in protest to Royal Mail’s refusal to reinstate worker, Andrew Mootoo.
Andrew is a postman who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and is also profoundly deaf.
He has been unable to work due to his condition diagnosis 18 months ago and allegedly, Andrew has been waiting so long for Royal Mail to support his return to work that his pay has been stopped and he has to rely on benefits.
Read the full story here: http://www.bridgwatermercury.co.uk/news/14024440.Bridgwater_postal_strike_after_postman_with_MS_claims_Royal_Mail_won_t_let_him_return_to_work/
November 13, 2015
Not only do employers persistently refuse to hire Deaf people, but when Deaf people do manage to succeed in getting a job, employers will move heaven and earth to re-dump them back on benefits.
Those people who criticise Deaf people for being unemployed and living on benefits should direct their misplaced bluster at these employers instead.
On a positive note, it’s great to see the co-workers stick up for their Deaf colleague like this.