Read: Why do you never see a Lego mini-figure with a disability? By Rebecca Atkinson for the Guardian

Posted on December 22, 2015 by

Our regular writer, Rebecca Atkinson, has written an article for the Guardian about representation of deafness and disability in Lego toys.


Today, Lego is the largest toy company in the world with annual sales topping £2.8bn. It’s a sprawling super-brand with tentacles not just in the brick box, but also suckering on to films, games, merchandising, leisure and publishing to create an all-permeating brand experience that is hard to escape.

But the brand continues to exclude 150 million disabled children worldwide by failing to positively represent them in its products.

Thanks to the Disability Discrimination Act, disabled children can no longer be refused entry to toy shops, schools or soft play centres on the grounds of their wheelchair being a fire hazard or bothersome to other children. In terms of ramps, lifts and buildings constructed with equality in mind, the country has never been more accessible. But what about the rights of disabled children to be positively represented in the cultural sphere? To see their lives and experiences reflected in the media they consume?

Read the full article here:

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