Deaf? Self-employed? Use RAD and HMRC’s BSL tax service before January 31st

Posted on January 8, 2016 by

The January 31st deadline for submitting online Self Assessment forms is fast approaching.

Luckily, Deaf self-employed people can get free advice in British Sign Language about completing their tax return, thanks to a new service from RAD (a supporter of this site) and HMRC.

Deaf people can visit to access a British Sign Language (BSL) tax advisor by webcam or contact HMRC direct via Video Interpreting Service.

royaldeaftax hp screen grab

One customer explains how she received tax advice via the Video Interpreting Service:

“Using Skype and RAD webcam to relay the conversation I had with the tax office – it was great. Thank you so much for setting up and I hope many more Deaf BSL Users will use the link.”

Visitors to can also find information in British Sign Language (BSL) about tax credits, PAYE and child benefit.

Dr Jan Sheldon, Chief Executive for RAD said:

“We work with Deaf people to make as many mainstream services as possible accessible to Deaf people. The website we have developed with HMRC has been enormously beneficial. For the first time ever, Deaf people have access to information about tax in their first language”.

For more information visit or contact

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