Deaf News: Note given by Starbucks barista to Deaf man saying “I’ve been learning ASL” goes viral

Posted on February 23, 2016 by

A Deaf man’s Facebook post about the note a Starbucks barista gave him has gone viral.

Ibbey Piracha was given a note that said “I’ve been learning ASL just so you can have the same experience as everyone else.” He has described the barista as “an inspiration.”

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From ABC News:

A Virginia man’s Facebook post is creating some Internet buzz after he shared a note from a Starbucks employee who offered a kind gesture.

Ibby Piracha, who is deaf, told ABC News through an interpreter that he was surprised Friday morning to be greeted by the familiar barista with sign language.

“I usually use my phone and I’ll text them what I want to order,” Piracha of Leesburg, Virginia, said. “She was saying she looked on YouTube because she had a lot of customers that came in using text. I was very surprised she was willing to learn [sign language] and it shows she respects deaf people … she’s an inspiration.”

Piracha, 23, said the female barista handed him a note that read, “I’ve been learning ASL just so you can have the same experience as everyone else.”

Piracha posted a picture of the kind words to Facebook, where it received over 2,000 “shares.”

“I was very shocked to go in there one day and have her sign a little bit and I kind of smiled, thinking about it and I even told the Starbucks manager, ‘You know, I was very impressed by your employee.”

Read the full story:


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Posted in: deaf news