At weekends, we publish posts from our archive which you might have missed first time round:
Do deaf people sleep more peacefully than hearing folk? This question occurred to me when we were buying our house last year.
Our house is next to a main road, but since my wife and I are deaf, we had no worries over the prospect of being disturbed by traffic noise. We just wouldn’t hear it. So we went ahead and bought the house.
Meanwhile, a (non-deaf) friend who lives up the road told me that when they were looking for a house, he and his wife never looked at any houses on main roads because he’s so sensitive to sound at night.
He would literally wake up if he heard any sound at all, whether it was a bird cheeping in the morning or a car door being shut down the road. For him, buying a house by a road meant he might face years of disturbed sleep.
I’ve also long known that being married to someone who is also deaf also means I’ve got away with being a chronic snorer.
I’ve always snored – I remember hearing friends complaining about it when I stayed over at their houses when I was a child. Yet my wife sleeps soundly, no matter how loudly my nasal passages vibrate. I guess this is a whole other question: would I be happily married if my wife was hearing? Discuss…
Of course being disturbed by sound isn’t the only reason people have trouble sleeping. Stress, medication, depression or jet lag can give people insomnia, whether you’re deaf or not. But I’d guess that being able to hear makes sleeping well much harder if you suffer from any of the above (or are lucky enough to have been abroad).
I doubt whether I could sleep soundly if I was suddenly able to hear. I’ve always slept without hearing aids on, but once or twice, as a student, I accidentally went to sleep with them still on (I confess, I’d had a few drinks) and found I had disturbed nights filled with vivid, unsettling dreams – influenced by the fact that I could hear sounds (including my own snoring!) while I was asleep.
I’m so used to sleeping in relative silence that curiously, relatively minor sounds can wake me up. A few weeks ago, a smoke alarm in our bedroom made a bleeping sound at night, because its battery had gone flat. I didn’t know what the sound was, but I could hear the beep (which occurred every minute or so) faintly and eventually I woke up, felt a bit confused for a while, then, after putting my hearing aids on, found out what it was.
When I mentioned this article to our Deputy Editor, Andy Palmer, he mentioned two things in relation to deafness and sleeping.
First, that his deaf son sleeps soundly even if Andy’s got people round at his house and music is on loudly. Second, he mentioned that his deaf mother can’t hear Andy’s dad snoring – but that she does get disturbed by the vibrations (!).
So deafness helps us deaf folk sleep – but hearing insomniacs who might be considering crossing over to the deaf side, be warned: it doesn’t solve everything.
So, do you think that since we can’t hear so much, deaf people sleep more soundly than hearing folk, or not? Tell us in the comments below!
By Charlie Swinbourne. Charlie is the editor of Limping Chicken, as well as being a journalist and award-winning scriptwriter. He broke the ‘fake’ interpreter story on this site, and has written for the Guardian and BBC Online. As a scriptwriter, he penned the films My Song, Departure Lounge and Coming Out, and wrote and directed short film The Kiss and the half-hour comedy Four Deaf Yorkshiremen go to Blackpool.
Rosie Malezer
March 20, 2016
I would have to say that it all depends on the situation, as to whether or not Deaf or hearing sleep better. While we are not woken by sound (oh, how I do NOT miss my husband’s snoring), we are still woken up by our bed shakers, by bad dreams, bright lights or by workaholic tendancies (I suffer from Author’s Insomnia).
March 23, 2016
I am often perplexed about an issue related to this in my work as an audiologist. I frequently have patient’s ask me about wearing their hearing aids at night or act upset that I suggest removing them to sleep. As a normal hearing person I think the idea of not hearing and going to sleep sounds like well a dream come true. But apparently there are people who feel more safe/secure when they can sleep with their hearing aids on.
April 1, 2016
Your so right about this Amy. I have a ‘later in life’ deaf uncle who will persist in wearing his left aid at night and his right aid during the day. I keep trying to tell him to wear both in the day as I do mine and both off during the night as I do, but… he wont listen. I’d imagine most long life deafies like myself would find this highly amusing. So sad though.
March 24, 2016
Ha as always accurate observations! i slept through the hurricane that michael fish said wouldn’t happen in the 80s and all my family were up. I also went on several holidays with my best friend who is opposite of me in that he hears everything! and apparently i snore which drove him nuts he ended up sleeping in the bathroom of any hotel twin room we stay in!
March 24, 2016
However, sleeping in transit and when lots on my mind – never works