Poem: Read Tracy Williamson’s moving poem ‘Deafness’ about living with neurological deafness

Posted on March 21, 2016 by


Noise jangling
A muddle of sound
Voices passing to and fro
I smile, trying to look as if I know
What is going on.
A joke,
Shrill laughter,
Helpless hilarity.
I laugh, trying to prove to myself
That I belong.
Why do I try?
Why do I never express the cry
That echoes in my heart?
As in the laughing, talking group
I sit, cut off, a person apart.

Tracy Williamson is a speaker and writer for the Christian charity Marilyn Baker Ministries Trust. She is severely deaf and partially sighted through encephalitis when 2 years old. Tracy has a Hearing Dog Goldie and they live in Kent, sharing a home with colleague Marilyn who is blind and her guide dog Saffie.

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