In a shocking development, it has been reported in the Guardian today that the sudden closure of a Deaf college in Margate was due to the abuse of residents by staff. The service closed suddenly in September.
In response, Brian Gale, Director of Policy and Campaigns at the National Deaf Children’s Society has now asked the government to undertake a review. He said:
“It was devastating news for many families last year when Westgate College for Deaf Young People was forced to close, without a suitable alternative education provider being available.
“We are extremely concerned about the serious nature of the safeguarding issues CQC uncovered at Westgate College for Deaf Young People as safeguarding of vulnerable children and young people is of paramount importance to us.
“The failings that have been uncovered from this inspection report demonstrate that highly vulnerable deaf children and young people have been let down by the system. The Care Quality Commission acted swiftly but there is a need to consider whether its remit and powers could be extended to enable it ensure an improvement plan is implemented.
“We would therefore like the government to undertake a review to see what lessons can be learnt so that other children and young people do not go through the same ordeal elsewhere. We will continue to support families and young people who are still struggling to find appropriate education alternatives.”
Any families affected should contact our Helpline: call 0808 800 8880* or email us, helpline@ndcs.org.uk”
Extract from the Guardian:
The sudden closure of a college for vulnerable people was due to the serious abuse of residents by staff, the health and social care regulator has revealed.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has detailed a number of shocking allegations at Westgate College for Deaf People and the Road Project, in Margate, Kent, including residents being pushed, hit and humiliated. In one case a resident allegedly had a hot cup of tea placed on their arm.
The service was run by the John Townsend Trust. As well as deaf people it also provided for those with communication, physical or learning disabilities. It closed with immediate effect last December.
Read the full story here: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/05/deaf-school-margate-westgate-college-closure-abuse-residents-says-regulator?CMP=share_btn_tw
Matthew Gurney
April 5, 2016
It had been like that since 70s, 80s & 90s. I heard so many stories also I experienced some of this. I don’t know about other kids, but I heard few stories and nothing was done about it.
I tried to stir it up again few years ago, no one was interested… Last year I tried again, RSDC Margate blocked me on Twitter and refused to reply my questions and AGAIN, no one believed me… Now this! I am on mission to get them named and shamed as they kinda destroyed my life by emotional scars I got from them!
You might forget your actions to us but I will never forgot you all!
Roger Beeson
April 5, 2016
Isn’t the Guardian conflating two issues? The headline says: “Deaf school’s closure was due to abuse of residents, says regulator”. This would lead readers to think that there were allegations against the school itself.
The college closed because of the bad CQC report. The knock-on effect was that the linked school was financially unviable and had to close.
Unless this is clarified, it will be a slur on the reputation of school staff who had no connection with the college.
April 8, 2016
Agree with Roger above, there are many good aspects of the School’s work with deaf children.
We owe it to them, their families and dedicated staff now ‘adrift’ midway the academic year, to seek justification in this misleading media projection.
The media must learn to respect Safeguarding values in its reportage; the media also must understand that deaf issues do not fit into a neat little box, but that it is as varied and diverse as minority issues.
Sadly, already the way the news have been presented are instilled in many local authorities’ minds about residential deaf schools who have good provision.