Watch: The emotional BSL conversation between a Deaf brother and sister in the documentary Found in the UK

Posted on September 13, 2016 by

In the BSL Zone documentary Found in the UK, one particular moment has prompted an emotional response from viewers.

The programme features three Deaf people explaining how they found their Deaf identity in the UK.

One of them is Ahmed Mudawi, who grew up in Sudan. Early in the programme, he explains how his sister Omeima was responsible for talking to their father and encouraging him to consider other options for Ahmed’s education – then they sit down to talk about it.

During that conversation, Ahmed realises things about his childhood that he’d never known before, and both brother and sister become emotional while they talk about it.

You can watch Found in the UK online now by clicking here, with the conversation between Ahmed and Omeima starting 19 minutes into the programme.

The programme was funded by BSLBT and produced by Juggle Productions. It was produced and directed by this site’s Editor, Charlie Swinbourne.

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Posted in: watch