Go See: Subtitled films at the BFI London Film Festival. On sale now!

Posted on September 15, 2016 by

This is a sponsored post from the BFI.

There are a range of subtitled films and films with a BSL introduction (as well as subtitles) on show at this year’s BFI London Film Festival in partnership with American Express®, and tickets are on sale now!

A list of films in English language with English subtitles is below. (Please note an even larger list of films with English subtitles, including foreign language films, can be found here.)


English language films with English language subtitles

The following films have English language subtitles that include descriptions of non-dialogue audio, for customers who are deaf or hard of hearing.

BSL introduction / Q&A

Screenings where the film will have English language dialogue subtitles, and the intro/Q&A will be BSL interpreted. (All screenings are introduced. Q&A’s are included where talent availability permits).

Details on all accessible screenings can be found here, and a list of subtitled screenings here.

The full programme can be found at this link: https://whatson.bfi.org.uk/lff/Online/

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Posted in: go see