Lianne Herbert: Do deaf earphones exist?

Posted on March 16, 2017 by

As you may already know, I suffer from bouts of depression which quite frankly I believe all D/deaf people do to some varying degree.

The other day I was feeling low and it was suggested that I listen to music. Music? Hold on, how is that accessible to all D/deaf people? It got me wondering how D/deaf people deal with depression and their access to music.

Do D/deaf people read the song lyrics online? Do they watch a song lyrics video on YouTube? Or watch a sign-song performance of the song of their choice if lucky to have been produced?

I also struggle to listen to music at night and I currently use basic earphones which cost me about £20. I hear differently with them in. I can’t use headphones over my hearing aids as it creates feedback and presses my hearing aids into my skull.

I saw that custom made earphones can be purchased where an ear mould impression is made of the users’ ears. It looks like a solution for me as basic earphones slip out and it means I can’t hear the music clearly. I would like to purchase or even try the custom made earphones before committing to buy.

They are around the £200 mark…

I have tried the silhouette hooks before where you change channels on your hearing aids to the ‘T’ position but they broke easily and lost reception if you even so much as breathed or sneezed.

Would anyone care to research suitable earphones with me? I surely can’t be the only deaf person who enjoys listening to music.

I’m sure once a suitable gadget is found or created that depression for deaf people would reduce. It’s not a luxury item, suitable earphones for deaf people, it’s a necessary health issue. It can help save a deaf person like me suffering mental health issues when their access to music isn’t met.

Please leave a comment below if you’re willing to discuss this further.

Lianne Herbert is a deaf professional writer. Lianne is also on a Copywriting course to enhance her freelance prospects. She is currently involved with the West Yorkshire Playhouse on a Playwright course.

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Posted in: lianne herbert