Deaf News: BSL user Iain Scott-Burdon stands as Independent candidate in Lincoln

Posted on May 15, 2017 by

The Lincolnite has reported that Iain Scott-Burdon, who is a Deaf BSL user, is to stand as an Independent candidate in the Lincoln constituency. He is the second deaf person we know of (please tell us if there are more) standing as a prospective MP in the General Election, along with Ben Fletcher in Putney.


Iain Scott-Burdon from Lincoln has announced he will be standing as an Independent candidate in the upcoming general election for the Lincoln constituency.

Iain, who announced his application in the eleventh hour, is deaf and uses British Sign Language. He works at Lincolnshire County Council and sits on a number of disabled committees and groups.

He told The Lincolnite: “I am standing as an Independent MP for Lincoln [on June 8]. I am a deaf and my first language is British Sign Language. I was born in Grimsby and I grew up in deaf boarding schools.

Read the full story here.

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