Linguistpd: Take our first subtitled online course!

Posted on May 17, 2017 by

This is a sponsored post from Linguistpd.

At Linguistpd we have always been passionate about making our training accessible for Deaf Professionals, so that both deaf and hearing can learn together.

We are hugely excited and proud to announce that our first subtitled online course has now been launched!

Last month we announced that we would have upcoming online training available with subtitles- and we released a free taster session of our new course, which you can check out here!

The course is entitled Professional Boundaries- maintaining wellbeing for you and your clients, and it is taught by Dr Wendy McIntosh.

Who is Dr Wendy McIntosh?

Dr Wendy McIntosh PHD is a psychiatric nurse with over 30 years experience, and professional boundaries is an area of practice that she’s been developing for many years. Wendy has worked in a range of roles including clinician, researcher and educator, and is now director of her own company and holds workshops regularly.

What will you learn on the course?

How do we handle the sometimes delicate professional-client relationship? What do we do when we feel that our boundaries are being pushed? How do we deal with vicarious trauma and transference?

The course will consider the above and much more. After each lecture, there’s a chance to consider the topic in more depth, with exercises, quizzes, and recommended reading.

As mentioned above, there’s a free preview of the course available, and we would love to get your feedback at the end!

How long is the course?

The course duration is a minimum of 4 hours when undertaking the exercises as directed.

How many CPD points will you get?

You will get a minimum of 4 structured CPD points upon completing the course, plus material for unstructured learning.

How much does it cost?

The course costs £150.

If you want to enroll on the course, you can do so by clicking here.

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