Watch: Episodes 1 and 2 of sketch comedy programme Deaf Funny!

Posted on July 1, 2017 by

Deaf Funny is the world’s first TV comedy sketch show in sign language, written and directed by Charlie Swinbourne (who is also this site’s editor, and is pictured above on set with actors Jean St Clair and Nadeem Islam).

It has an all-star cast of Deaf actors and comedians, including John Smith, Matt Kirby, Jean St Clair, Deepa Shastri, Nadeem Islam, Rebecca-Anne Withey, Adam Bassett and Fifi Garfield. Each actor is tasked with playing multiple characters.

The characters include a fitness instructor, a Deaf spy, a football manager, a police officer, and many more.

Watch episode 1 here: (turn on the subtitles if you need them!)

And watch episode 2 here:

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Posted in: watch