Deaf News: Controversy as sign language national anthem not shown before All-Blacks-Lions rugby matches

Posted on July 3, 2017 by

The boss of Deaf Aotearoa, a national organisation for Deaf people in New Zealand, has said how disappointed he was that the national anthem was not shown in sign language before the high-profile test matches between New Zealand and the Great Britain Lions.

This New Zealand Herald article says:

Keating said people had told him they were disappointed they weren’t able to see the anthem performed in sign language.

“We went to quite considerable effort alongside NZ Rugby to make sure it was filmed appropriately and respectfully for this year and then to have it not eventuate and be on TV is quite disappointing for everybody.

“Our belief is that it was going to be broadcast on TV and at the stadium and unfortunately that hasn’t eventuated.

“It’s about ensuring access for all New Zealanders.”

Keating hadn’t heard from NZ Rugby as to why the sign language version of the anthem wasn’t shown on TV.

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