I may not have any of my own (couldn’t eat a whole one as the cliché goes), but I’ve never minded hanging out with children.
Babysitting assistance is dutifully offered where required, although I do fear for what would happen if I ever had to phone emergency services or the parents if anything went wrong.
I like to think of myself as an above-average auntie who has never knowingly forgotten a niece or nephew’s birthday. When it comes to the offspring of friends, I never take less than a keen interest.
No, as far as I’m concerned, the kids are all right. And, in many ways, I consider myself lucky to be able to enjoy some of the fun parts of spending time with youngsters without having to worry about any of the tougher aspects of parenting.
There’s just one problem. Hearing them. With their fluty little voices, not to mention the fact that tinies won’t (can’t) always give you a fully-formed sentence, communication can often be strained.
And it seems as if all the usual problems, of lighting, background noise, not having your attention and so on, are compounded when you’re trying to have a conversation with a child.
Then, of course, there’s the fact that children aren’t always on your level. Literally, I mean. You have to crouch down to hear them at the best of times, never mind when there’s a hearing loss involved as well.
It makes me sad that an adult often has to stand in as my ‘ears’, patiently relaying the child’s words to me, not least because it makes the communication more distant and adds another barrier, while also slowing the conversation down.
Many’s the time I’ve struggled when playing with my Lego-obsessed nephew. I ask him to talk me through what he’s building, but then struggle to catch the reply. So I smile and watch without really getting stuck in. (He’s into the technical stuff anyway, so it would probably a bit too hard for me…)
A hearing loss also means that questions about school, from favourite subjects to the names of teachers and best friends, stuff I really need to know as far as my nephew and niece are concerned, are rarely heard accurately. And there are only so many times you can ask for the information to be repeated.
The other Christmas I was staying with a friend whose young niece and nephew were also visiting. I’m a bit of an Adele fan, having heard her music so often and read the lyrics so many times that I can generally follow her. The friend’s mum had given me an Adele CD as a festive gift.
When the singer came on the radio, the kids were shrieking to tell me this, wanting me to hear the star I so admired. But I simply couldn’t understand what they were saying – or even hear Adele herself.
“Oh,” I sighed when I eventually got it. (And by this time Someone Like You had all but finished.) “You should have said.”
They collapsed into giggles, of exasperation as much as anything else. But jokes, while relieving the frustration to an extent, can only take you so far. Children, like adults, aren’t blessed with infinite patience, and shouldn’t have to repeat things indefinitely.
Then there’s the having to explain to kids why you don’t hear everything first time. I tend to say that ‘My ears are broken’ or ‘Don’t work very well’, but there are no doubt better explanations.
Children and communication are precious. All of which makes me realise just how much the relationship would be affected if I did have children of my own.
Read more of Juliet’s articles for us here. Juliet England does freelance social media and PR work for cseeker.
Photo by Vladimir Pustovit via Flickr Creative Commons.
July 6, 2017
Interesting comments. I accept that communication been be tricky and sometimes children just won’t do those things that make it easier.
However, to reassure you I feel completely blessed to have been brought up by wonderful Deaf parents (I’m sure there are many other CODAs who feel like me). Love, care and consistency were in abundance.
Maybe my relationship has been affected by occasional practical communication difficulties – e.g. going to Euston station to use a public minicom to make contact in the time before most people had mobile phones and then Skype came along :-). I am also very thankful that my parents were careful not to have me put into the role of their communication support.
I’ve been aware of (at a distance) some of the workshops and support Deaf Parenting UK give and think this might be really helpful to some people.
The relationship between parents and their own children is fundamentally different and closer than that of the relationship with aunties and uncles. Hence, some of the communication difficulties you describe may not occur that often, particularly in bilingual families.
All the best with the path that you follow in life and if parenthood is on the horizon for you in the future, I have the feeling that you’ll be fantastic. It’s simple from perspective, love and good parenting matter above all else, whoever your parents are….
July 6, 2017
I hear you! Though I don’t often hear my son. A particular challenge is where they want you to understand what they’re saying AND check out where they’re pointing at the same time!
Meryl Evans
July 6, 2017
I was born profoundly deaf and have the same problem. When I volunteer at the elementary school, I avoid anything that has too much contact with the kids because I cannot understand them a lot of the time. Well, I have three kids of my own and it hasn’t been an issue like with other kids.