Hearing & phone survey – win £300 in Amazon vouchers!

Posted on July 29, 2017 by

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You can win £300 in Amazon vouchers by answering a few questions about your experiences of making and receiving phone calls. Here’s the link.


The questionnaire asks about use of mobiles, landlines and other forms of communication. It is gathering data that will be used to influence phone service providers about the need for new solutions.

The focus is people with some degree of hearing loss but are less relevant to those who have very little or no hearing.

The questionnaire has been created by Ideas for Ears, a not-for-profit social enterprise, which is on a mission to help people hear well on the phone.

Sally Shaw, director of Ideas for Ears said: “Not being able to hear someone clearly during a phone call is a difficulty faced by many. Unfamiliar accents, background noise and variable clarity or volume can cause frustration, and sometimes even fear, around making or receiving a call.

“The findings from the questionnaire will help us to influence the people and businesses who have the power to create new solutions. We want to make sure that they are putting their time and money into finding solutions that people need, want and will use.”

It will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey. It is for people who live in the UK, including Northern Ireland, and the Isle of Man. The more responses there are, the more data and evidence that Ideas for Ears will be able to use to influence the industry specialists.

Everyone who completes the questionnaire, has the chance to win £300 in Amazon vouchers! Closing date is midnight 13th August 2017.

Go to the survey now by clicking here!


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