I’m fascinated by the support given to the introduction of a British Sign Language GCSE. Has anyone thought about what problem they are trying to solve, and whether this would achieve it?
I was born in Wales in 1969. Growing up with English speaking parents & siblings, we didn’t speak Welsh or feel the need to speak Welsh. The Welsh language was in decline and in the 70s/80s, in an attempt to boost the numbers of Welsh speakers, it was made compulsory to attend Welsh language classes until we selected our O-levels.
The language continued to be in decline, so it was made compulsory to sit a Welsh language GCSE. (O-levels and CSEs became GCSEs in the mid/late 80s.)
The problem with this strategy is twofold:
1) You can lead a horse to water, but if you push it’s head into a stream, it might drown! Students who struggled with Welsh, or languages in general, felt they were ‘wasting’ a GCSE choice and resentment grew.
2) Learning a language to pass exams, is very different from absorbing a language for everyday use, and it would be VERY rare in most parts of Wales for any child to NEED Welsh on an everyday basis. If a speaker can revert to their mother tongue, they will.
The growth of Welsh medium schools (from reception to A-level) is effective in many ways, though not without issues, some of which are based around native Welsh speakers reportedly being ‘held back’ by Welsh learners who don’t get the practise outside of school.
Now, what has all this got to do with Deaf education? Well, there are many similarities and one HUGE difference.
For children who are Deaf, there is little or no option to revert to a ‘mother tongue’. BSL isn’t their language of choice, it is a necessity often denied, so the idea that BSL medium schools (or schools for the Deaf) would close down is crazy … right? Wrong! Here in Wales, there are a grand total of ZERO schools for the Deaf.
The options are:
1)Send your Deaf child to a mainstream school with some kind of ‘unit’ and support from some staff who can use BSL to various degrees of competency,
2)Ask your education authority’s permission to send your child away to England (Exeter or Newbury typically) to be educated.
Now imagine we treated children who speak Welsh like this! Imagine if you will, that when your child is born, they can learn language, but it’s Welsh, and for some reason, they can not understand or speak English. No one in your family has ever spoken Welsh.
Your 4 yr old child who was born ‘profoundly Welsh’ can go to a local English speaking school, and they’ll have a support worker who passed their Welsh O-level in 1984 to support them.
As they progress, a ‘Teacher of the Welsh’ (TOW) will come in to monitor them as often as once every half term. The TOW doesn’t actually speak Welsh, but has done many courses about diversification of materials and will use the support worker to interpret. *Importantly, I am not doubting the skills of such a teacher, simply the policy which doesn’t require them to know both languages.
As good parents do, you look for Welsh classes. They are available, but are in the evening and cost a fortune. When you decide that one of you can do the classes, you find they are all full. Apparently, there are a lot of people out there who have ‘always wanted to learn Welsh’, but don’t have any personal reason to do so. If one of you does manage to get onto a class, the Welsh you learn isn’t the same as the Welsh that the support workers use in school – your partner is now feeling even more left out, because try as you might, you can’t teach them as much as you are taught, and progress is slow!
You look on Youtube and find lots of videos of English speakers who are translating the latest pop songs into Welsh. Not so helpful.
Your child can only learn Welsh to the level they experience it (second language O-level) so, by the time they are going into Secondary school, there are all sorts of issues.
Would introducing a Welsh GCSE help this situation?
Surely, a campaign to ensure fluent Welsh speakers were supporting children at Foundation stages would help more? That’s where language development happens, right? That way, your child’s language would develop in the same way as their peers. Alongside plans to help families learn the language that their child needs, and awareness raising in general, I believe this would give those children in a linguistic and cultural minority a better chance, whilst also raising the profile of the language in a professional and useful way.
Tony has been working as an interpreter for more than 25 years. Now based in his home country of Wales, he works in a wide range of domains … & worries about a lack of letters after his name!
Dafydd Eveleigh
October 16, 2017
Well written and I agree with all your points. BSL GCSE will not on it own solve the problems Deaf Children face.
That said, nothing on its own will solve the problems that Deaf children and adults face.
The importance of having GCSE BSL is that it will give BSL greater legitimacy and did awareness that BSL is a bonafide language and “not a Tool to help the poor deaf people”.
We can learn a lot from the challenges that Welsh Language faced, but need to be aware of the differences.
There won’t be any one single solution, but every little helps.
Ant Evans
October 16, 2017
One of the biggest differences is choice. 75% of the children at our local Welsh medium school come from homes where English is the only language spoken. They know that to become fluent & be well educated in another language, it must start early!
I know that there has to be more than one solution, but while 12 yr old Deaf children still can’t converse with their parents in any language, the GCSE drops out of my priority list.
Thanks for reading my ideas mate.
October 16, 2017
Spot on!
As a parent of a profoundly Deaf youngster I was put on a waiting list for BSL classes!
(And the BSL taught by Signature is not always that useful with little ones…)
As for communication in school / unit: totally hit and miss!
Marika Rebicsek
October 16, 2017
Contact the NDCS as they may be able to help with family BSL classes
Ant Evans
October 16, 2017
I’m sorry (but not surprised) to hear that. NDCS have an excellent Family Sign Language curriculum on their website. Please don’t give up.
Ant Evans
October 16, 2017
I’m sorry (but not surprised) to hear that. NDCS have an excellent Family Sign Language curriculum on their website. Please don’t give up.
October 16, 2017
I’m with Dafydd. My years working with BSL tell me that no amount of ‘Deaf awareness’ shifts people’s assumptions about BSL and therefore about Deaf people as much as actually getting ‘inside’ the language and therefore beginning (just beginning, mind) to see the world Deafly. We see ample evidence that hearing pupils love to learn BSL – imagine the societal shift if wave after wave of them left school with functional signing skills. None of this replaces the need for top quality education for Deaf pupils – they should go ‘hand in hand’!
Ant Evans
October 16, 2017
I’ve seen no evidence of a societal shift in the UK when wave after wave of students left school with a GCSE in modern languages. We are still, largely, a country of monoglots. I’m not saying that BSL GCSE shouldn’t happen, but that I can’t see how it is a priority while we have people with Stage 1 supporting profoundly deaf foundation age children, who’s family have decided will use BSL.
I’ve seen this work in the 90s in Yorkshire & it was amazing to revisit a school a few years after working there, to see all the kids signing, not because of classes, but because profoundly Deaf adults worked there & it filters through.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
October 16, 2017
Whilst I agree that the education system is shamefully lacking for Deaf students and their families; a GCSE in BSL wouldn’t help their needs. A GCSE would help hearing students who want to engage with the Deaf community and help them better understand the challenges faced, so perhaps they can have a little more patience and appreciation for this beautiful culture.
Marika Rebicsek
October 16, 2017
I am in favour of GCSE BSL because it will make BSL EQUAL to other foreign languages and English – Deaf signers no longer looked at as second class citizens. Plus it will get young people deaf aware much quicker. I am all in favour of it. I have a 9 year old in my BSL class, have taught a 13 year old (and taught him deaf awareness so his relationship with his Deaf mother changed completely after that, his whole attitude changed and they are much closer as a result). I AM TOTALLY IN FAVOUR. Plus my own life would be a lot easier if more people signed!