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WHAT ARE OUR WORDS? By Talia Randall
18th NOVEMBER – 8pm
Roundhouse, Chalk Farm Road, London NW1 8EH
BSL Accessible Event with BSL Interpreter Martin Fox-Roberts
Tickets £10
Featuring Drag Rap artist Jacob V Joyce & Poet Playwright Hannah Silva & Tony Champion.
If you or a member of your party requires an When booking your seats please select ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS on the booking page, please let us know if you need to be seated near the Interpreter. Alternatively, once you have booked your tickets, you can give us a call using text relay on 020 7424 8477.
What Words Are Ours? is a tongue-twisting, thigh-slapping, tear-jerking night of text-based entertainment, featuring some of the UK’s most innovative and daring artists.
Poet, playwright and performer Hannah Silva will be sharing an extract from her critically acclaimed show Schlock!, whilst UK Poetry Slam Champion Toby Campion will be performing new work created especially about the Polari language.
Jacob V Joyce will be sharing their satirical picture-poems alongside other new work. Drag rapper and lava-tongued fierce-mover The Phoenix will be spitting fiery raps and breakneck moves.
Posted on November 15, 2017 by Editor