Read: The deaf singer sent death threats from the deaf community (via BBC)

Posted on November 15, 2017 by

BBC News has a story today about a Deaf singer from America who says that she received death threats from the Deaf community when she first started singing.

Mandy Harvey lost her hearing but retained her ability to sing. She now uses ASL as well as communicating in speech, and came fourth in America’s Got Talent.

Read the full article, which also quotes our editor Charlie Swinbourne, here.


Deaf singer Mandy Harvey made headlines around the world after being put straight through to the finals of America’s Got Talent. But when she first took to the stage, she received death threats from within the deaf community for promoting a “hearing” activity.

It was two months ago that Harvey sang live on prime-time NBC television across the United States. Barefoot and nervous, she had overcome a series of traumas to get there.

“I used to get some pretty strongly-worded letters and death threats,” she reveals. “I got a lot of backlash from certain people in that community because I was promoting oralism.”

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