Watch: Be Clear on Cancer adverts with BSL interpretation

Posted on November 20, 2017 by

A new Public Health England Be Clear on Cancer campaign has been launched, with information available in BSL.

It highlights that if you get out of breath doing everyday things or have had a cough for three weeks or more, you should see your doctor. While it may well be nothing serious, it could be a sign of lung or heart disease, or even cancer.

Watch the video below to find out more:

The campaign also encourages carers, family and friends to talk to people they care for and urge them to see their doctor if they have these symptoms.

TV ads with BSL have also been produced for the campaign.

The BSL ad highlighting coughing for three weeks or more can be viewed here:

And the Breathlessness ad here:

Find out more about the campaign here:

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Posted in: bsl translation