Like many of us, March last year wasn’t just the start of a pandemic, it was the sudden shut down of my connection with society and random strangers. What am I talking about?
Take a seat and let me explain.
I’m Andrew and I am profoundly deaf.
Thankfully, I’ve learnt to lipread really well and so can mix with hearing people. So, what does this have to do with the pandemic? Well, one thing demanded by the government to keep us all safe, was the use of masks.
Most people immediately covered up their mouths with a blue strip of fabric and tried to carry on. Great. That stops Covid, but also stops me having a clue what you’re mumbling!
It’s not such an issue in shops as I only miss questions around, “Do I want a bag or the receipt?” That I can guess, but anything more complicated, I’m left wishing for a hole to open in the ground beneath me as I get the dreaded rolling eyes of derision.
It’s definitely worse in the NHS. Last week when we had the snow, I managed to enjoy less than two seconds of it as I promptly slipped on some ice and smashed my elbow. At the hospital, I just couldn’t understand the receptionist at all. She refused to lower her mask even though she was behind glass.
So, I asked her to write things down on some paper. You would have thought I asked her something totally inappropriate from the look in her eyes. Got the same attitude from the triage nurse. The doctor thankfully was willing to type things upon his phone (actually, he just used Google Live Transcribe to transcribe what he said, so simple!)
But all this could be avoided if people wore transparent or clear masks. There are so many available now which can be worn by the general public and in shops. Some are currently being tested for use in a clinical setting.
Not only does wearing mean deaf people can lipread, it also means that the wearer’s face can be seen, including the smile! Think how much friendlier you’ll appear with a smile!
I’m so determined to get more people wearing clear masks, my colleagues and I have filmed a song about it. Don’t worry, I’m not singing! Take a look, like and subscribe if you like the video. Then share it! Tell all your friends about the video and let’s get more people wearing clear masks.
If you’re interested in getting a clear mask for yourself, there are several available on our website. https://www.jdeaf.org.uk/
Andrew is profoundly deaf and wears bilateral aids. Has delivered deaf awareness training since the late 90’s and feels every moment of it. Works for JDA running a mobile hearing aid maintenance service in care homes around North London. For more information see here.
February 24, 2021
I’ve shared it!