Read: Widow sues NHS over Deaf husband’s ‘diabolical care’ (via The Guardian)

Posted on March 8, 2021 by

The Guardian has published a report on a widow who is suing the NHS for the ‘diabolical care’ her husband received.

Susan Kelly alleges that her husband was not given an interpreter and that her hearing daughter had to translate his terminal diagnosis, including being given just a few weeks to live.

The article says:

Susan Kelly, who is also deaf, is angry that her husband, Ronnie, was at no point during two hospital admissions and an outpatient appointment provided with a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter. Instead, her hearing daughter, Annie Hadfield, was asked to translate his terminal diagnosis, when he was told to “get his affairs in order” and given between two weeks and two months to live, while his wife was left outside the room. He died just over two weeks later at home.

Read the article here:

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