Carly Sygrove: Why I’ve set up a Sudden Hearing Loss Support website

Posted on April 19, 2021 by

Dear readers,

I am delighted to announce that today is the launch of my new website, Sudden Hearing Loss Support –  the first website ever to be dedicated to supporting people affected by sudden hearing loss!

Click here to visit the site.

Key Website Goals:

  1. Enable access to reliable information and support for people who have been affected by sudden hearing loss and associated issues such as tinnitus and vertigo.
  2. Raise awareness of sudden hearing loss as a condition; that it should be considered a medical emergency, and to urge people to seek medical attention immediately, should they notice any change in their hearing.

Why Create a Website Dedicated to Helping People Affected By Sudden Hearing Loss?

  • My Hearing Loss Experience

My motivation for creating this website comes from my own hearing loss experience. My sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) happened over 4 and a half years ago. At the time of my hearing loss, I was living and teaching in Spain. Away from my family, support was limited and difficult to access in a language I was still in the early stages of learning.

Following my diagnosis, I instinctively started typing into the Google search bar to find out more information. I had so many questions. I was young and healthy; How could this kind of thing happen? How was there no cure? I felt lost. I read everything I could find about SSNHL, which wasn’t a great deal.

I started to realise that there was still relatively little known about sudden hearing loss which makes it difficult to know where to find information and support.

  • Making Connections

I began writing a blog to tell my story and later I created a Facebook support group for people with hearing loss. In connecting with others through my blog and support group, and listening to so many similar stories of sudden hearing loss,  I realised there was a real need for a resource where people could access reliable information and support in dealing with SSNHL and related conditions such as tinnitus and vertigo.

Although various articles can be found online, I couldn’t find anything which encompassed the whole sudden hearing loss experience, all in one place. So I decided to make it myself.

A Collaboration

Through crowdfunding, I was able to get the project off the ground by financing the initial start up and running costs of the website.

In the creation of this website I have been supported by hearing loss and tinnitus organisations and charities, audiologists, and hearing aid manufacturers and providers. Some have created content for the website or helped with proofreading. Others have shared useful links, images and information. I can’t begin to express how appreciative I am of all the support I have received.

Click here to visit the site.

Future Plans

The website already has some content, including information about symptoms of sudden hearing loss, diagnosis and treatment. There are also links to helpful charities and my online hearing loss support group. I will be constantly updating the content on the website with helpful information, articles, links to useful resources, announcements and blog posts.

In addition to developing the website further, there are also some possible exciting collaborations on the horizon to help raise awareness – I’ll keep you all posted!

How You Can Help

  • If anyone you know experiences a sudden hearing loss, direct them to this website and ensure they receive medical attention immediately.
  • I welcome suggestions regarding the layout and the user experience of the website, please send them to carlysygrove@
  • If you are a hearing healthcare professional who would like to get involved in the development of this resource, by donating content with a sudden hearing loss theme (plain English articles, videos, images), or in any other way, please get in touch with me through the following email: carlysygrove@
  • If you would like to contribute to the running costs of the website, please visit the ‘Donate’ section at the bottom of the homepage.

I truly hope this resource will be a reliable source of information and support, and that it will prompt people affected to seek immediate medical attention, helping them to have the best chance of recovering their hearing.

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Posted in: Carly Sygrove