Deaf News: Ofcom launches survey on BSL on TV and video-on-demand services

Posted on May 7, 2021 by

Ofcom has launched a survey for people who use British Sign language (BSL) to tell then what they think about signing on TV and video-on-demand services.

They want to find out how often BSL users watch signed programmes, the types of programmes they watch, and what they think of the quality and availability of signed programmes.

The feedback they receive will be crucial in helping to inform their guidelines on signing for TV channels and on-demand services – including what types of programmes should be prioritised.

We’d like to hear from people who:

  • are over 16 and use BSL to communicate;
  • live with someone over 16 who uses BSL to communicate; or
  • have a child under 16 who uses BSL to communicate.

People with more than one BSL user in their household can complete one survey for each BSL user.

Participants can respond through an online BSL-interpreted survey, or by sending us a video of them signing their response.

The survey is survey until Thursday 1 July. Fill it out by clicking here.

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Posted in: deaf news