How can I sign up to #WhereIsTheInterpreter judicial review? Registration details revealed

Posted on May 8, 2021 by

Lynn Stewart-Taylor, a white woman, signs in front of a dark blue background.

Information about how to sign-up to watch the judicial review hearing for #WhereIsTheInterpreter has been revealed, ahead of the case being heard in court next month.

The date for the hearing was confirmed as 16 June last Saturday, and will see a High Court judge rule whether the Government failed to meet its equality obligations by refusing to provide an in-person British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter for its briefings on the coronavirus.

In a video published to YouTube on Friday, Lynn Stewart-Taylor, founder of the #WhereIsTheInterpreter campaign said: “[This] day will be special for us, the result of all our efforts with the campaign. It’s been over a year of campaigning and trying to negotiate with the Government.

“Also, the amazing organisations and yourselves have been incredibly supportive throughout. We’ve come together as one.

“That’s one thing I am so proud of – we all came together and supported each other,” she said.

Individuals interested in following the proceedings must register by emailing Lynn Stewart-Taylor at, who will be added to one list. Deaf organisations looking to watch the session will be added to another, separate document. Both will operate on a first come, first served basis.

Those without internet access are encouraged to contact their local Deaf clubs to arrange an in-person screening, with lockdown rules around meeting indoors set to be lifted by the time of the hearing.

The Microsoft Teams call is due to start at 10am on 16 June, with the judge officially starting proceedings at 10:30am. The hearing is expected to last three hours.

More information about registration can be found on Where Is The Interpreter’s official website.

Photo: Where Is The Interpreter/YouTube.

By Liam O’Dell. Liam is a mildly deaf freelance journalist and campaigner from Bedfordshire. He wears bilateral hearing aids and can be found talking about disability, theatre, politics and more on Twitter and on his website.

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