Roger Beeson: Imagine

Posted on July 5, 2021 by

Imagine… court cases about deaf communication in which judges know diddly squat about deaf communication.

Imagine a case about the denial of access to communication for deaf people, in which a judge thinks it’s ok to deny access to communication for deaf people when the case is being discussed.

Imagine a country where lawyers acting for deaf people don’t routinely demand English transcription as well as BSL interpretation, so that observing BSL/English bilinguals can monitor the accuracy of interpretation.

Imagine a situation where a judge dismisses concerns about sub-par interpreting by saying that the interpreters have promised that they can interpret the case.

Imagine a situation where interpreters can interpret anywhere they like, as long as they decide themselves that they’re good enough, and as long as they produce CPD evidence, and nobody calls them out.

Imagine a situation where sub-par interpreting in a legal setting comes to light only because it is exceptionally being broadcast to an audience of BSL users and BSL/English bilinguals.

Imagine what happens in hundreds of criminal and civil cases involving deaf people and interpreters where no independent judge of BSL is watching.

Imagine a country where court cases about the rights of ordinary BSL citizens are discussed in ways that are unclear even to educated English speakers.

Oh! No need to imagine. It’s the U.K. in 2021.

Roger Beeson is a retired BSL/English interpreter who is a proponent of a higher-level assessment of bilingual interpreting skills, beyond the current “fit to practice” level. He grew up in a deaf household where BSL was his parents’ language. This led to a life spent working with deaf people: 2 years at the old RNID, 21 years as a teacher in deaf schools, and 22 years as a self-employed BSL interpreter. He was a co-founder 20 years ago of the e-newsli newsgroup on BSL interpreting. The Association of Sign Language Interpreters (ASLI) awarded him their Ben Steiner Award in recognition of his contribution to the BSL interpreting profession. Despite retirement he still keeps an eye on deaf and BSL interpreting matters.

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Posted in: Roger beeson