There’s been a lot of coverage of the government’s cut to Universal Credit earlier this week, but little focus on the impact on deaf and disabled people.
The cut, of £20 a week for a single person, will lead to 5.8 million people losing money, and has already been criticised by numerous charities.
But will there be a disproportionate effect on deaf people?
Speaking on behalf of the British Deaf Association, David Buxton told us that he believes the cut is a “hammer blow” to deaf people, “driving them into debt after paying essential bills.”
Buxton also reflected on the additional effect of the wider economic situation: “This is compounded by rising energy bills and further redundancies as the furlough scheme ends, pushing Deaf families into hardship, and driving up food bank use.”
He pointed out that deaf people are already at a disadvantage, saying we are “twice as likely to be unemployed or work in low-paid jobs as hearing people.”
He concluded: “we believe this cut certainly makes Deaf people feel ‘pushed beyond limits’, facing a tough winter, with the rise of the cost of living and rising inflation rate. The BDA supports the campaign led by Disabled People Against Cuts.”
Buxton also raised concerns about the Disability Benefits Green Paper which was published in July 2021, showing the Government is considering the possibility of merging PIP with Universal Credit as part of their fresh wave of social security reforms.
He said: “The British Deaf Association will emphasise that Deaf people need PIP to access language and communication support outside the Access to Work Scheme that is only available in the workplace. This support allows Deaf people to access their family, friends and community events, ensuring their full participation as valued and equal citizens. We can otherwise see ourselves going backward to the 1990s and before, trapped in the 19th century norm of not getting fair and equal treatment.
We have also reached out to several other deaf charities to ask about the effect on the people they represent.
If you have been effected by this cut, or know someone who has, please email thelimpingchicken@gmail.com
By Charlie Swinbourne, Editor
October 11, 2021
Excellent solidarity from David Buxton; one of the few Deaf leaders I respect.