BSL Act Now: Trafalgar Square rally to take place for British Sign Language Bill’s third reading

Posted on March 1, 2022 by

White text against a red background reads: 'BSL Rally - 18th March 2022'.

A rally is to take place on Trafalgar Square later this month, as Labour MP Rosie Cooper’s British Sign Language (BSL) Bill has its report stage and third reading in the House of Commons.

The demonstration, due to take place on 18 March, also occurs on the same date that the UK Government officially recognised British Sign Language in 2003.

In a video released by the British Deaf Association (BDA), chair David Buxton said: “Now, 19 years later, on the very same date, we hope to see a BSL Act approved which gives legal status to British Sign Language and requires the government to put in place guidance for providing public services and information to Deaf people who use BSL.

“It also falls during the BDA’s Sign Language Week 2022.

“We are going to host another big BSL Rally outside Parliament to celebrate our beautiful, unique, visual language, BSL, and show the world that BSL brings us together!”

The rally will run from 11:30am to 2:30pm, and anyone looking to attend the demonstration is encouraged to register their attendance on Eventbrite to help monitor numbers.

Secure areas for children, schools, elderly people, wheelchair users and DeafBlind people will be available as well.

The BDA are also looking for volunteer stewards for the rally, with those interested asked to email

More information about the rally can be found on its official Facebook event page.

The BSL Bill has its last chance to pass through the Commons on 18 March, with the date being the final sitting Friday for MPs to discuss Private Members’ Bills.

Photo: British Deaf Association.

By Liam O’Dell. Liam is an award-winning Deaf freelance journalist and campaigner from Bedfordshire. He can be found talking about disability, theatre, politics and more on Twitter and on his website.

Update – 09/03/22 – 13:45: In an update, the BDA have announced that the rally will now take place at Trafalgar Square “due to large numbers of attendees”. This article has been updated to reflect this.

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