New emergency video relay service to be known as ‘999 BSL’

Posted on April 1, 2022 by

In the centre of the screen, white text reads '999 BSL', with the BSL surrounded by a red box. 999 and the red box have a black rectangle background. Behind this is a blurred outline of a bald white man sitting in a mostly grey office environment.

A new video relay service (VRS) which will enable British Sign Language (BSL) users to contact 999 in an emergency is to be known as ‘999 BSL’, its provider has confirmed.

Sign Language Interactions, based in Scotland, was announced as the official operator of the free 24/7 VRS in January – when it received approval from the communications regulator Ofcom.

In an update shared alongside SignVideo on Friday, project manager Russell Cooke revealed the new name and logo, adding: “What I can tell you is that the app will be extremely easy to use, with a single button to call 999 via our BSL interpreters and there’s no need to register.

“There will also be a function to receive a call-back if needed.

“We are working closely with communication providers and emergency authorities to ensure a smooth commencement of this service.”

Mr Cooke went on to add that information and guidance around how to use the service will be issued by the end of April.

999 BSL is due to launch on 17 June.

Photo: SignVideo/Facebook.

By Liam O’Dell. Liam is an award-winning Deaf freelance journalist and campaigner from Bedfordshire. He can be found talking about disability, theatre, politics and more on Twitter and on his website.

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