British Sign Language receives legal recognition in Gibraltar

Posted on May 25, 2022 by

The rock of Gibraltar with the sea in the distance.

Gibraltar’s Parliament has given legal recognition to British Sign Language (BSL) today, a month after MPs in the UK Parliament passed their BSL Act.

Representatives for the British Overseas Territory met on Wednesday to discuss the proposed legislation which – similar to Britain’s BSL Act – recognises BSL as a language, requires the Government to report on its work on the “promotion and facilitation” of BSL, and for guidance to be issued.

Samantha Sacremento MP, the equality minister who brought forward the bill, said: “Today is a pivotal and historic moment for the Deaf community in Gibraltar, particularly users of British Sign Language.

“Our ambition is for this Bill to create a more inclusive society, improving the lives of Deaf people, and ensuring public services are more accessible for them.”

Ms Sacramento also confirmed that the first set of guidance notes required under the Bill have already been drafted, while chief minister Fabian Picardo MP described the Bill’s progression as a “historic and seminal moment”.

Elliott Phillips MP, opposition representative on equality for the Gibraltar Social Democrats, added: “Today is about the celebration of Deaf and hearing loss rights, today is about setting aside discrimination, and today, most importantly, is about establishing a platform for us to put into action the steps that need to be taken to provide important resources to our Deaf and hearing loss community.”

He continued to mention a “real and urgent need to back the Bill with action” in the form of BSL support and qualified interpreters “across our public services, including broadcasting”.

He also signed his thanks to the Deaf and hearing loss communities during the proceedings.

The Bill went on to pass through all of its Parliamentary stages with unanimous support in the one sitting.

Commenting on the Bill becoming an Act, the Gibraltar Hearing Issues and Tinnitus Association (GHITA) wrote on Twitter: “[This is a] historical moment for the deaf Gibraltarians and for the Deaf movement worldwide.”

David Buxton, British Deaf Association chair and leader of the UK’s BSL Act Now campaign, responded: “So happy to help [GHITA] for years – we ended up together within one month. BSL Act, in the UK and Gibraltar! Fabulous!”

By Liam O’Dell. Liam is an award-winning Deaf freelance journalist and campaigner from Bedfordshire. He can be found talking about disability, theatre, politics and more on Twitter and on his website.

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