Cadbury and NDCS launch ‘Sign with Fingers’ campaign to get nation signing

Posted on August 31, 2022 by

A young white girl with long blonde hair is signing in her kitchen. Subtitles, partly blocked off by a young boy on the right, reads: 'Even just a w...' The missing word is 'word'.

The chocolate brand Cadbury has joined forces with the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) to encourage more hearing people to learn basic signs, as part of a campaign titled ‘Sign with Fingers’.

The initiative was unveiled on Tuesday, with young actress Keira signing to the camera in a busy kitchen in her house, and the occasional word in the subtitles being obscured.

“When someone can sign, even just a word, that’s really nice,” she says.

The advert concludes by asking the viewer if they felt like they “missed bits” of what was being said, and calling for helping “more people feel included”.

A free glossary of phrases in British Sign Language (BSL) has also been made available on Cadbury’s website to teach basic phrases.

Susanne Nowak, senior brand manager at Cadbury Biscuits, said: “Helping people learn some British Sign Language (BSL) will play a really important role in helping deaf BSL users feel included, and while BSL involves much more than just the use of hands, fingers are a fundamental part of signing. 

“We’re immensely proud of our new campaign and hope it will encourage the nation to learn a little bit of sign language to ensure everyone feels included.”

Cadbury have also launched a £20 limited edition gift bundle to coincide with the campaign, with 50p from each purchase going to NDCS.

Mike Wade, director of fundraising and communications at the charity, added, “This campaign will draw attention to some of the everyday challenges deaf children and young people face. 

“It also gives everyone the chance to get involved, learn some simple signs and pick up deaf awareness tips. 

“There’s a long way to go to help deaf children and young people to feel truly included, but these small steps will make a big difference.”

The promotional video was produced in consultation with performing artist and The Limping Chicken writer Rebecca A Withey, who said it was a “privilege” to be part of the project.

“Well done Kiera, our lead deaf actress and I hope it inspires many people to enjoy learning BSL,” she said.

The ‘Sign with Fingers’ campaign will run until 31 October.

Photo: Cadbury/YouTube.

By Liam O’Dell. Liam is an award-winning Deaf freelance journalist and campaigner from Bedfordshire. He can be found talking about disability, theatre, politics and more on Twitter and on his website.

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