Registration opens for latest ‘Where Is The Interpreter’ court case

Posted on September 17, 2022 by

Exterior of the Royal Courts of Justice in London.

Further details have been released concerning how to support the next court case over ‘Where Is The Interpreter’, which takes place on Friday.

The hearing, held at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, will see a judge determine whether 276 Deaf people are entitled to compensation over a lack of British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation for the UK Government’s Covid briefings.

Barristers Catherine Casserley and Theodore Huckle will represent the Deaf claimants, and the case comes after the Cabinet Office was found to have breached the Equality Act last year over BSL access to two data briefings.

Lynn Stewart-Taylor, founder of the Where Is The Interpreter campaign and lead claimant in the case, said: “We felt it was right to apply for compensation, but that really wasn’t our main focus. 

“The main focus of our campaign was to ensure that our language is recognised and accepted – that part is so important to me, that we can show off our language, be proud, and be role models to future generations and young deaf children. We don’t really have that at the moment so that was really our priority.

“I feel so proud of our community and what we have been able to achieve. Whatever the outcome of the court, it shows that we will never give up and that we can fight injustice and fight for our rights – I really do believe that.”

Deaf individuals interested in observing the court hearing have been asked to send their name, email and text number to, with the first 50 registrants to email accepted into the court room. They have also been advised to arrive at 9am on the day.

People who wish to watch an online livestream of proceedings are also asked to email Lynn with the above information, along with their preference to watch the case virtually.

BSL interpretation will be provided for all formats of the hearing, which will start at 10am and could last up until 4pm.

Those who have chosen not to enter the courtroom for the proceedings can join volunteer and community information officer Adrian Bailey in the SOHO Coffee Co. cafe opposite the court from 10:10am onwards.

It is then expected that after 4pm, Deaf attendees will meet at the nearby pub, The George, to celebrate International Day of Sign Languages which also takes place on Friday.

Registration is open until Tuesday.

The Limping Chicken’s Liam O’Dell will also be providing live coverage of the proceedings on Friday on Twitter.

Photo: Steve Cadman/Flickr.

By Liam O’Dell. Liam is an award-winning Deaf freelance journalist and campaigner from Bedfordshire. He can be found talking about disability, theatre, politics and more on Twitter and on his website.

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Posted in: deaf news