England’s Deaf Women’s Futsal team have lifted up the winner’s trophy after defeating Spain in the European Championship final – becoming champions for the first time in their history.
The team won 3-2 against their rivals in a tense match on Saturday afternoon, taking place in the city of Montesilvano in Italy.
In a series of tweets celebrating the Deaf Lionesses’ win, England Deaf Futsal wrote: “An amazing achievement! So proud of all players and staff!
“England are European Futsal champions. Bet many people never thought they would say that!”
The players collected the trophy after the men’s final against Spain and Italy, which was won by Spain.
England lifting the Deaf European Futsal Winners trophy! CHAMPIONS!
#DeafLionesses #EuropeanDeafFutsalChampions #Champions #Winners #WinnersTrophy #Celebration #SpecSavers pic.twitter.com/ZoKnMsjakg
— England Deaf Futsal (@engdeaffutsal) October 22, 2022
UK Deaf Sport added: “Champions! Fantastic achievement for all. Many many congratulations, England Deaf Futsal’s Deaf Lionesses.”
The full match between England and Spain can be watched back on YouTube.
Photo: England Deaf Futsal/Twitter.
By Liam O’Dell. Liam is an award-winning Deaf freelance journalist and campaigner from Bedfordshire. He can be found talking about disability, theatre, politics and more on Twitter and on his website.
Posted on October 22, 2022 by Liam O'Dell