Sign Solutions: How we worked with Papyrus to set up a BSL suicide prevention helpline (BSL)

Posted on May 7, 2024 by

You can access HOPELINE247’s BSL-translation service between 8am and 8pm, here:

Mental health issues and thoughts of suicide affect individuals across all demographics, but specific groups face unique challenges that often go overlooked.

Among these groups are the Deaf community, who often encounter barriers in accessing basic support services for their mental health and encounter distinct challenges due to the breakdown in communication as services are not accessible in British Sign Language (BSL).

British Sign Language (BSL) is a visual-gestural language used by Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals primarily in the United Kingdom (UK). It is a fully-fledged, natural language with its own grammar and syntax, distinct from spoken English. BSL utilises handshapes, movements, facial expressions, and body language to convey meaning.

BSL is recognised as an official language in the UK, following the passage of the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015 and the subsequent recognition by the UK government in 2020. As a result, public bodies in Scotland are required to promote and facilitate the use of BSL, and there is an increasing emphasis on accessibility and inclusion for Deaf individuals in various sectors.

It’s estimated that there are around 151,000 Deaf people in the UK who use BSL as their preferred means of communication. This number includes individuals who are culturally Deaf, meaning they identify with the Deaf community and use BSL as their primary language.

Sign Solutions is a UK-based company that offers interpreting, training, and translation services for Deaf and hearing people. They provide on demand and around the clock interpreting, training and translation services nationwide, enabling Deaf people to communicate more effectively and gain equal access to information, products, services, education and work.

Sign Solutions are providers of a video relay service, InterpretersLive! that enables Deaf people to access on demand and pre-booked, qualified NRCPD British Sign Language interpreters, and other communication professionals, 24 hours a day, 365 a year.

Initial conversations on implementing an on-demand VRS started with UK charity, PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide in the spring of 2022 after Sign Solutions providers of InterpretersLive! identified a gap in accessing suicide support services for BSL users.

PAPYRUS is a UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. The charity is dedicated to raising awareness about suicide prevention and providing support services to young people who may be struggling with mental health challenges.

PAPYRUS operates a confidential helpline called HOPELINE247, which provides support, advice to young people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts or concerned about a friend or loved one. The helpline is staffed by trained professionals who are equipped to offer guidance and assistance.

Sophie Kang, Sales and Marketing Manager at Sign Solutions gives her background on why working with PAPYRUS to implement a VRS service was so important to her;

“In 2015 I chose to write my dissertation on mental health in the Deaf community. My focus was on Sign Language users being more susceptible to mental health conditions, leading to suicide and self-harm. I was disappointed to learn of the lack of access to services in BSL and since working at Sign Solutions, it has been my passion to educate clients and make everyday services accessible to BSL users. Due to the personal experiences, I have faced in the loss of family to suicide, I have always had a vested interest in how BSL users can access support if they needed it and therefore it has been a priority of mine to contribute in breaking down the communication barriers through providing a VRS service to a suicide prevention charity.”

Sophie continues: “9 years since writing my dissertation, I am proud to be launching our video relay service, InterpretersLive! with PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide. The team and I at Sign Solutions and PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide have worked collectively over the last 18 months to craft a solution that has involved training, learning, understanding, safeguarding, and ensuring we meet the needs of potential Deaf service users of the HOPELINE247.”

“We know how difficult it can be to start a conversation around suicide, and especially so for those who – until now – have been unable to access vital suicide prevention services.” Says Stu Chaplin, Chief Operating Officer at PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide.

“PAPYRUS is proud to collaborate with Sign Solutions to provide BSL translation services on our suicide prevention helpline, HOPELINE247.

“Suicide is the biggest killer of young people in the UK, and through this service, we are removing the barriers for D/deaf people to access the lifesaving suicide prevention support that they deserve.”

If you are a Deaf, BSL user having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be you can now contact HOPELINE247 for confidential support and practical advice through a qualified BSL interpreter.

Addressing mental health within the Deaf community in the UK requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses communication barriers, stigma, and the lack of culturally competent services. By increasing accessibility, through introducing VRS services to charities such as PAPYRUS we empower Deaf service users and promote awareness to vital support. Collectively we can work towards ensuring that Deaf individuals have equitable access to mental health support and services, ultimately improving their overall well-being and quality of life.

You can access HOPELINE247’s BSL-translation service between 8am and 8pm, here:

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Posted in: sign solutions