BDA and RNID criticise lack of BSL interpretation of Keir Starmer’s first speech

Posted on July 5, 2024 by

Two of Britain’s most prominent deaf charities, the British Deaf Association (BDA) and RNID, have made statements criticising the lack of British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter for the Prime Minister’s first speech to the nation after Labour were elected as the new government earlier today.

Earlier, videos were released showing the BDA and RNID joining up to monitor whether BSL interpretation would occur or not, including the video below:

In a statement this afternoon, Rebecca Mansell, Chief Executive of the BDA, said:

“In his first speech to the nation on the steps of 10 Downing Street earlier today, our new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, undertook to ‘unite our country, deliver change and treat every single person in this country with respect’.

Unfortunately, as no British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter was present alongside him as he addressed the British public, Sir Keir did not include the thousands of Deaf people in the UK whose first or preferred language is BSL. Instead, we had to watch the speech online.

We believe in solving problems, so the BDA and RNID brought to Downing Street this morning an experienced, highly qualified, security-cleared, BSL interpreter who was ready to support the Prime Minister as he made the speech. Unfortunately, our offer was not taken up.

Under the BSL Act 2022, which recognised BSL as a language of Great Britain for the first time and which was achieved thanks to a campaign led by the BDA, the UK Government committed in law to promote and facilitate the use of BSL in its communications with the public.

The previous Minister for Disabilities, Mims Davies MP, pledged at the launch of our ‘BSL In Our Hands’ campaign at Parliament in March 2024 that all Downing Street announcements would now be BSL-interpreted. This policy does not seem to have been implemented. To our disappointment, there was no plan for an in-person interpreter to accompany the new Prime Minister this morning.

We sincerely hope that the incoming administration will be mindful of their responsibility towards the Deaf community as they take office over the days and weeks to come.

The British Deaf Association is committed to achieving genuine equality and inclusion for Deaf people in the UK whose first or preferred language is British Sign Language.

Our work will never stop until we reach this goal, and we look forward to working closely with the new Prime Minister and his Government to make this a reality.”

The RNID also said: RNID are incredibly disappointed that the 87,000 deaf people who use BSL were excluded from a moment of national importance as there was no BSL interpreter for the new Prime Minister’s first address to the nation.

Michael Quinlan, Advocacy Manager at RNID, said:

“The UK’s deaf BSL users were totally excluded today from a historic moment for the nation because no British Sign Language interpreter was there outside No10 when Keir Starmer spoke. That sends an appalling message.

“The new Prime Minister has started his term by cutting off thousands of deaf people, and giving the message that they are not important for the new government.

“BSL was recognised as an official language in law in 2022, an incredible moment for the Deaf community. In 2024 the government promised to provide in person interpretation for all major press conferences, giving us equal access. This has not happened. Today, while our country has moved forwards, deaf people have yet again been left behind.”

RNID also released a timeline:

5 Feb 24 –
in the Disability Action Plan, the government promised to provide in person BSL translation for all major press conferences and briefings by Spring 2024

22 May –
Rishi Sunak announces a general election on 4 July. No BSL interpreter is present and the Deaf community are excluded, leading to widespread criticism

7 June
– RNID send an open letter to Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer, asking them to provide a BSL interpreter for the Prime Minister’s address to the nation on 5 July if they win the election

14 June –
RNID book and pay for an interpreter to interpret the new Prime Minister’s speech on 5 July and offer this to both parties

3 July –
more than 600 people have echoed RNID’s call by sending their own open letter to Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer, asking them to provide a BSL interpreter on 5 July

5 July –
Almost a month since the campaign began, RNID have received no answer about whether there will be a BSL interpreter for the new PM’s victory speech

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