Stuart Harrison: New documentary on GB Women’s Deaf Futsal Team’s Winter Deaflympics journey is a must-watch (BSL)

Posted on July 16, 2024 by

Watch the documentary on the BSL Zone site here.

Today, sports enthusiasts and documentary lovers alike have been treated to a compelling new film, “Watch Us Roar.”

This 30-minute, BSLBT- commissioned documentary, produced by Flashing Lights and set to broadcast on BSL Zone, delves deep into the world of the Great Britain Women’s Deaf Futsal team as they navigate the intensity and drama of the Winter Deaflympics in Erzurum, Türkiye, held in March this year.

With a storyline that intricately weaves through personal and collective challenges, “Watch Us Roar” promises to be an eye-opener on multiple fronts. Indeed, this documentary comes with a trigger warning at the beginning.

The documentary sheds light on the daunting decisions and mounting tensions the team faces, particularly against the backdrop of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) decision to withhold funding for Deaflympic sports.

This year, marking the 100th anniversary of the Deaflympic Games, is particularly significant as it was the first time Futsal was included in the competition.

The lack of financial support forces both the team management to take calculated risks, and the footballers to divert their focus from crucial preparations to fundraising efforts. This narrative thread underscores the stark realities and emotional toll of competing at such high stakes without adequate support.

One of the central figures in “Watch Us Roar” is Marios Costi, the team’s head coach. The film offers an intimate look at his tactical skills and the emotional depth of his coaching style, which many viewers might find unexpectedly intense by contemporary standards.

Costi’s vulnerability and passion are laid bare, presenting a multifaceted view of a coach under pressure. His approach culminates in a dramatic and candid team meeting, where players are invited to express their honest thoughts and feelings, leading to explosive tensions and significant fallouts.

On top of the gripping narrative surrounding the team as a whole, “Watch Us Roar” also delves into the personal journeys of three key players, adding a deeply private dimension to the documentary. By following these athletes closely, the film provides intimate insights into their individual struggles, triumphs, and motivations.

This personal focus encourages viewers to connect on a more emotional level with the team, fostering a sense of empathy and support. Through their stories, the audience is invited to not only witness the collective challenges of the team but also to champion the personal adventures of these remarkable women as they strive to achieve their dreams on the world stage.

“Watch Us Roar” does more than just document a sports team’s journey; it provides an unfiltered look into the dynamics of teamwork, the strains of underfunding, and the raw emotions that fuel athletic competition. Deaflympians represent Great Britain at the Winter and Summer Deaflympics under the banner of DeaflympicsGB, authorized by UK Deaf Sport.

The documentary is essential viewing for anyone who enjoys sports and is curious about the often-unseen drama of team meetings and behind-the-scenes preparations during major competitions.

“Watch Us Roar” is a must-watch that will leave you with a profound appreciation for the resilience and spirit of the Great Britain Women’s Deaf Futsal team.

Watch it at this link:

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