Charlie Swinbourne: Photo essay of the Stand up Comedy Extravaganza in London

Posted on September 23, 2024 by


Last Friday saw several hundred deaf people attend the Stand Up Comedy Extravaganza held in London, which saw nine deaf comedians take the stage, some of them for the first time.

Here’s Charlie Swinbourne’s images of the night, starting backstage…

Tammy Broskom, in high spirits before her first stand-up performance as herself (having previously appeared on stage as a character called Trace in 2015).

Memnos Costi, well-known in the community as a deaf presenter, footballer and translator, reviews his notes before his first stand-up show.

Gavin Lilley, organiser and compere, pleading with the performers for a strong show.

Terry Edwards, who is also an actor and teacher, captured en route to the green room.

The audience starts to assemble under the arches.

Sarah Beauvoisin applies her make-up in the green room.

Gavin Lilley, organiser and compere, gets the show started.

Paulus Scott, who made his first stand-up appearance in Peterborough in May, is next on stage.

Adrian Bailey, also a BSL interpreter and CODA, shows all the expressions during his performance.

Tammy Broskom gives no clue that it’s been nearly a decade since she’s been on stage.

Terry Edwards makes an impression on the audience.

Sarah Beauvoisin making a compelling argument for BSSE as a communication method.

Dexy Wallace makes his first stand up appearance…

and celebrates by standing up on his chair.

Fifi Garfield gives a polished (and rapturously received) performance to add stand-up to her list of roles including presenter, actor, director, and many more besides.

Memnos Costi passionately expresses his desire to roam his house naked now that his children have grown up and left home.

He also ponders whether to make a joke that could cause family tension…

And makes eye contact with Charlie’s camera mid-performance (or was it an attempt to hypnotise someone?)

And before we knew it, that was that.

Future shows are now in the planning, so keep a look out for Gavin’s comedy and future shows on his Facebook group at this link.

Check out more of Charlie’s photography at this link.

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