Take deaf together’s Deaf At Work survey to help make work more accessible and inclusive for deaf people: www.deaftogether.org.uk/take-our-deaf-at-work-survey/
Watch this information in BSL on the video below:
Have the places you’ve worked been accessible? Have you faced barriers when trying to get work? Have you had positive experiences at work because you’ve had the right support in place?
Last month, deaf together launched the Deaf At Work survey and we need you to take part. Your experiences and ideas will help deaf together understand what support you need, and what resources employers need to break down barriers to employment.
By taking the survey, you will also help us to build evidence of what needs to change and why. With this evidence, we can bring together the deaf community and deaf organisations, to work towards a future where employment is accessible and inclusive.
The survey is accessible in English and British Sign Language. You can watch the questions and respond in either English or British Sign Language. And it only takes about 15 minutes. But be quick – the survey closes on 20 December.
deaf together is a collaborative campaign to end the inequalities deaf people face – starting with a focus on employment. Since the campaign launched a year ago, we’ve been told by our advisory group and the deaf community (this includes people who are Deaf, deaf, hard of hearing, or have hearing loss or tinnitus) that deaf people are facing barriers in three key areas:
1. Unemployment – the accessibility of Jobcentre services and training, and employer awareness and attitudes present significant barriers to employment.
2. Access to Work programme – the portal is inaccessible, inefficient and not user-friendly, and not enough people know about this.
3. Career progression – professional development opportunities, including training and networking, are not accessible which means deaf people are unable to access the same promotions, and career advancement as hearing peers.
In the survey, you can tell us about your experiences in these areas but also more broadly. And you can share your ideas for how to break down barriers to employment for deaf people.
After the survey closes on 20 December, we will analyse the results in early 2025 so we can share the results with you, and our plans for how this will be used and what’s next.
If you have any questions or would like to share more about your story with deaf together, please email hello@deaftogether.org.uk.
Posted on December 17, 2024 by Editor