The Question: Should the Royal baby learn baby sign?

Posted on July 23, 2013 by

It’s a boy!

Fans of the monarchy here at the Limping Chicken (that’s ahem, not all of us) offer our warmest congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at the arrival of their new son – we look forward to seeing the tiny heir soon.


There are many questions that parents ask themselves when it comes to raising a child. One of the more modern ones is ‘shall we learn baby sign?’

For those of you who don’t already know, baby sign is a simplified sign language that help babies communicate before speech is developed enough to express themselves verbally.

Baby sign is used to express all kinds of things, like what a child wants to drink or eat, how they feel and the names of family members. Through baby sign, babies can be communicating with parents at the age of six months.

One of the biggest benefits of using baby sign is the avoidance of tantrums, according to the founders of the site  “After hundreds of shared secrets and averted tantrums we can’t understand how any parent could live without Baby Sign Language” they say.

On another note, we wonder if they have signs for chauffeur, or butler? They might be needing them soon…

Seeing babies signing is cute too. Check out the video (from America) above. People love to see it, and lets not forget, Princess Diana, the late grandmother of the new baby was a signer herself.

It is even claimed that learning baby sign benefits the intelligence and learning capability of children although this is, of course, also disputed.

So the question for you, the reader, is this. Do you think the royal baby should learn baby sign? Tell us below!

By Andy Palmer, Editor-at-large

Andy volunteers for the Peterborough and District Deaf Children’s Society on their website, deaf football coaching and other events as well as working for a hearing loss charity. Contact him on twitter @LC_AndyP  (views expressed are his own).

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