Two stories have got our attention this week, about the same topic, on both sides of the Atlantic.
The first is from the BBC about a German sign language interpreter called Laura Schwengber who is passionate about translating songs into German Sign Language.
And guess what? The BBC have subtitled the video too (for once). Enjoy it here.
And the Daily Mail have a story about a sign language interpreter from America who interprets for the likes of Jay Z, Bruce Springsteen and Marilyn Manson.
She spends most of her summer touring festivals in the US and is in high demand from the deaf community because of her energetic style. But guess what? No subs on the video on the Daily Mail page but the auto captions here are almost right.
Oscar-winning actress Marlee Matlin, who’s deaf, took to Twitter this year when she saw a video of Ms Maniatty performing at the Wu-Tang show: ‘Wu tang interpreter is rapping in sign BIG time!!’
The 33-year-old, who lives outside Portland, learned sign language while studying it at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. She decided to make a living of it despite counselors’ advice against it.
She works for a company that connects deaf people with other people over videophones that are connected online to computers or TVs. But from mid-April to mid-September, she travels for paid gigs interpreting all types of music — hip-hop, rock, jazz, country, gospel, rap.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2515760/Meet-sign-language-interpreter-whos-translated-concerts-Jay-Z-Bruce-Springsteen-Marilyn-Manson.html#ixzz2mSAhzMv1
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Hat-tip Emma Marriott
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December 4th, 2013 → 1:19 pm
[…] Two stories have got our attention this week, about the same topic, on both sides of the Atlantic. The first is from the BBC about a German sign language interpreter called Laura Schwengber who is … […]
December 7th, 2013 → 3:20 am
[…] Watch: Interpreters translating music into sign language make headlines around the world (limpingchicken.com) […]