Before interviewing Gerry Hughes, I call him up on FaceTime and his wife Kay answers. Kay tells me how pleased she is that he is home, and how tired he’s been since he arrived back in Troon to a hero’s welcome. I ask her if she was ever worried about him while he was away. She says no – she knew he could do it! Kay asks me if I want to speak to him, and suddenly, Gerry’s sitting there. It looks like an illusion – the man that so many people in the Deaf world have been thinking about, following and supporting for so many months, is right before me. Gerry soon tells me the reason he still has a beard is because he’s left his shaving equipment on his boat! He certainly looks tired, but he’s also smiling and is happy to talk all about the ups and downs of his epic trip…
You arrived home one week ago, after being away for over eight months. Can you describe how you felt in those last few hours of your journey?
It had been such a long journey. But when I sailed past The Isle of Arran, which is where my family have spent so many holidays, then I felt like I was home!
I couldn’t wait to see my wife Kay and my daughters again, to see them and hug them after so long. Arriving at Troon was so emotional. And I didn’t expect to see so many people there!
How do you feel about the massive response and support that you’ve had from the Deaf community?
I’m shocked! I never expected that kind of response!
I thought when I arrived back it’d be quiet. I never expected people to come from Europe, from Australia, South Africa, all across the world! And to see all the posts on Facebook…
I’ll never forget, when I arrived, there were so many flags, and cameras, and people.
Really, when I started, I just wanted to put my name on the list of people who’ve circumnavigated the world. I never expected that response.
What is it like to be back on dry land?
It’s strange that I can’t feel the rocking of the boat anymore!
There’s so many differences. It’s difficult to eat normally because I’m so used to eating small portions. It’s difficult to walk far, because the boat was small! My clothes are now warm and dry. I can have a shower!
Boiling a kettle is easy, but on the boat it was hard. I can watch TV, or go on the internet. I’ve had lots and lots of text messages. It’s so different!
What is it like to be able to sign again?
I’ve seen lots of people but I’m so tired! On the boat I was on my own. Here, I can communicate, but I get tired, because I’m still recovering.
When visitors come, I let my wife Kay sign, and I watch!
Was there ever a point when you wished you were home?
When I was three quarters of the way through, when I was nearly finished, I wanted to go faster, so I could be home quicker!
When the waves were battering the boat, and it was stormy, and the wind never stopped for seven days in a row, I felt like I wanted to go home.
But then there were sunny days near the equator when I was very happy to carry on!
When you were out on that boat, did you ever wonder why you’d done it?
Some days, I felt low. I felt like I’d been stupid! Why had I disconnected myself from my family?
When the boat capsized in the Southern Ocean, I realised how dangerous it was.
I must admit, I thought, ‘why am I doing this?’
What happened when you capsized?
I knew the sea well, I knew the rhythms of the sea. One day it was all fine, I had checked everything.
Then I went to make a coffee, and suddenly the boat capsized.
I was shocked. The mast was damaged. I realised later that it had capsized because the autopilot had broken. I had to get the boat fixed in Australia.
How did you react after that?
I thought – how many more times could this happen? I reminded myself I had to ‘focus, focus.’
The number one most important thing when you’re sailing is confidence in yourself. Number two is eating properly. Number three is following your routine, always.
I had to look after myself, and I had to look after my boat, we had to work together.
So your boat became your friend in a way? Your companion?
Yes! I had to look after the boat, and the boat had to look after me!
What did you think about as you sailed?
I kept my head clear. A lot of the time, I thought of nothing, I just got on with it!
Of course, I missed my family, my wife Kay. I missed playing golf with my Deaf team! But I had to accept it, and get on with it.
What were you most afraid of?
I was worried that a large fish could hit the hull.
I could feel the vibrations when I was sleeping. I knew what the sea felt like, and I could feel the difference if a fish hit the boat!
I was worried that a large fish might crash through the bulkhead – that one thing frightened me.
Have you changed?
I am a different Gerry now to the Gerry I was when I left. I feel I have so much to talk about, to tell people about my journey.
Is that it for you now, or do you have other adventures planned?
I’m finished! But I said that to my wife Kay before, after I sailed to America. Now, I’ve said it again, so she’s not sure whether or not to believe me!
But I will stop. I will slow down. It’s back to sailing locally, that’s enough for me now!
How do you feel about achieving your lifetime’s goal?
Before, I would look in the mirror and ask myself ‘when will I go?’ I realised I couldn’t wait any longer, I had to go now!
I had books about other people who’d circumnavigated the world, and I looked up to them. I was in awe of their achievement. When I finished, I felt like I understood them, I was on their level.
In my life I had many barriers, in education, for example. My passion was sailing. I never forgot that dream.
One of my friends sent me a letter, and he remembers 39 years ago, I told him ‘one day I will sail around the world’!
I’m so happy that I’ve achieved it.
Interview by Charlie Swinbourne, Editor
Remember to give your support to Gerry by donating at this link: http://www.gogogogerry.com/
The Limping Chicken’s supporters provide: BSL translation, multimedia solutions, television production and BSL training (Remark! ), sign language interpreting and communications support (Deaf Umbrella), online BSL video interpreting (SignVideo), captioning and speech-to-text services (121 Captions), online BSL tuition (Signworld), theatre captioning (STAGETEXT), legal advice for Deaf people (RAD Deaf Law Centre), Remote Captioning (Bee Communications), visual theatre with BSL (Krazy Kat) , healthcare support for Deaf people (SignHealth), specialist lipspeaking support (Lipspeaker UK), sign language and Red Dot online video interpreting (Action Deafness Communications) education for Deaf children (Hamilton Lodge School in Brighton), and a conference on deafness and autism/learning difficulties on June 13th in Manchester (St George Healthcare group).
Linda Richards
May 15, 2013
Congratulations Gerry! Truly a remarkable feat! I hope you will be able to meet with other circumnavigators for only you and they know what it was truly like…. At the same time, we were extremely privileged to share in the highs and lows of your diary and see amazing photographs of your epic voyage. Thank you for letting us share your journey! PS Steering a car is very different from steering a boat! Good luck back on dry land! Lmr xx
John David Walker
May 15, 2013
What a hero!
Kerry leader
May 15, 2013
The sea and the weather are the mother’s natural…. That what I can image the things which he had to learn to control his hand with this boat, it is hard way to control between the mother’s natural earth windy and waves it hard things go though the things…. You want to say stop it stop it enough is enough….. But the mother’s natural won’t stop until the natural is end….
It had been his experience which he would say oh god I make it … That what I be here now it over…..
Well done Gerry you got good hand with your boat on the
Michelle earle
May 15, 2013
Gerry, you are legend of deaf world sailing. I am proud of you, you can do it and show them that we can do it at anything. Well done
May 15, 2013
Gerry, you done it, you got your dream and follow your dream, your dream had come true. When you arrive Troon , you always smile and happy. Well done. You are very brave man.
Karen Sarah Leech
May 15, 2013
Congratulation Gerry, you are our HERO…and so proud of you what you have done achieved with your true dream…..you proved this show that you can do it and no barrier for deaf people what they want to do with their life as activity that you show them that we can do it at anything what we want to do our lives!! When I looked at your boat Quest III…. it was so emotional for you and the boat what you both done very well work each other for solo the world!!! You are truly remarkable! Best ever of the history for the first deaf man in the whole world! Cheers SIR GERRY HUGHES…(Y)
Terry Edwards
May 15, 2013
Gerry, You persevered through wildest waves, storms, large fishes, whales, illness, even pirates (?) but you have beaten them all to bring the Quest 111 in one piece – Well Done to the greatest Deaf sailor
May 15, 2013
Glad that you are from this country. We are proud and admire people like you who outreaches the far horizons and achieved! Heartfelt congrats to you.
Carol Hayes
May 15, 2013
Well done to the best deaf hero of the world and very interesting to read your stories.
May 15, 2013
Another thought! Every school with Deaf children should learn of your sailing life and have you as a role model!
Charles Kelly
May 15, 2013
Gerry, I would like to say thank Legend Deaf sailor Gerry Hughes is wonderful and think our deaf childhood first ISL, BSL, FSL .ASL…etc people right access to communication of Law , his fantastic achievement in front hearing People of the world.
Deaf Irish people are First Irish Sign Language and It should be formal recognised in Ireland.
We never never never give up Irish Sign Language formal recognized !
Charles Kelly
May 15, 2013
Gerry, I forget to say Thank you for lovely story and interview too Well Done Gerry x
Anne Meaqrns
May 15, 2013
WOW I could not describe how I feel about Gerry…. When he came home it was very emotional like everyone… I was tearing with happiness and proud of him… I hope he will be honoured one day … We respect him highly…
Margaret Brannen
May 15, 2013
Bravo Gerry ! you have been an inspiration to me and all deaf communities from all over the world, I felt so proud when he waved his Scotland flag on Quest III when he arrived home safely at Troon Harbour, and I knew that he completed his dream and thank him for being great example role to Deaf and hearing people that we can do it !!! no more barriers or anything like that. Thank you for interviewing Gerry and I enjoyed his comments.
Jackie Fletcher
May 15, 2013
Wow, Gerry is our special legend hero , when I read about Gerry experience ooh he is so brave throught sailing round the worh..its best for deaf people and children look up his role model…that’s him strong point..I wont never forget from the begined Kay other her on face book about Gerry l became addict look out the news until the end he arrived Troon oh made me ovewhelm mikd melt heart with weeping happy emotion and relief rejoin his wonderful wife Kay and daughters I cannot get it ove I want hear more news
I’m thinking about write to the Quen award him become Sir Gerry Hughes he is the best Deaf acheivement challenge solo sailor around the world.
I wish join the group l was stuck look after my sister to explain me about navigte she and her husband used be boat….She is proud of Gerry.
Fantastic about Gerry big experience innhis story.., I give him pat shoulder , hug and clapping pityI wasnt there, I saw many video oh weep story with proud.also many deaf photographs was amaze…I told to make biography book with photos…, amaze brilliant.
John M Hunt
May 15, 2013
I am thankful that Gerry Huges did make his greatest efforts for the Deaf Communities so it had already to break the barriers after many years. Nowadays it shows Deaf people can do it! I agree that Gerry should be honoured by the Queen.
May 15, 2013
Wow. Just WOW.
James McGinlay
May 16, 2013
Gerry ,what a clever brilliant and dedicated man , who should be honoured for his tremendous journey around the world .all of us who followed him through his comments actually sailed with him , and suffered with him also .all of our family watched his wind speed and miles sailed ,weather ,we will never forget him god bless you gerry
Penny Gunn
May 17, 2013
What a HUGE hero Gerry is. Faced every single day in vast sea and had no one to talk all day all evening and faced many hard days that he tackled with so many problems where Kay and his family thought deeply for him. Will always remember his ambition to sail around the world that came true. Look forward to his tales in one day. Once again congratulations Gerry.