The Deaf community is in mourning following the death of actor Vitalis Katakinas, who passed away on Saturday, 6th July.
Katakinas died one week after suffering a serious injury in an incident outside a pub in North London after BSL Pride Day. He was just 34 years of age, and leaves his son, Gabrielis, and his fiancée, Lina Cankas.
Since his death, numerous tributes – both written and signed – have been posted online, from both those who knew him and those who had seen him perform.
The tributes have told of a man with many qualities – who was a loyal friend, took real joy in life, had a gift for making other people smile, and signed beautifully, both when acting and when performing BSL poetry. Many have talked of his sense of fun and mischievous sense of humour.
Katakinas was from Lithuania, and counted among his many interests basketball, motorbiking, attending Deaf events, and performing. By all accounts he was tireless in supporting other people across different areas of his life.
He will be remembered by many in the British Deaf community for his sparkling performance in Deafinitely Theatre’s hit production of Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost one year ago, in the summer of 2012.
Katakinas first appeared for the company in the 2011 Deafinitely Creative showcase of short plays by new Deaf writers. The same year, he starred in The Boy and the Statue, the company’s first production aimed at young children and families.
In 2012, he joined the Deafinitely Creative scheme and wrote his own play, a visual comedy called Absence in Time about a couple who are separated when the man goes to London to work.
Before arriving in London, Katakinas spent time living and performing in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where he inspired the local Deaf community, and as with everywhere else he lived, made lasting friends.
Our thoughts are with Vitalis’s family and friends. Rest in peace.
On stage photos from Love’s Labour’s Lost by Simon Annand.
By Charlie Swinbourne, Editor
Christine Williams
July 8, 2013
This is very sad. I saw him at the Globe last Summer. Sympathy and sorrow to his family.
July 8, 2013
To Vitalis ‘s son, Gabrielis, and Vitalis’s fiancée, Lina Cankas., Vitalis Katakinas ‘s Family and all the Friends , My thoughts and prayer are with you all at this difficult time Rest in Peace Vitalis Katakinas <3
July 8, 2013
This is very sad, I saw him at BSL Pride day all day lovely day Sympathy and sorrow to his family and friends .R.I.P Vitalis Katakinas God bless x
July 8, 2013
Beautiful. He died on 6th July, not 5th.
Ilyaas Cader
July 8, 2013
Dear Vitalis’ s son is Gabrielis.
We hold you safe in our hearts at this time of Sadness. we sorry to his family and friends. Will God Bless with Vitalis.
July 8, 2013
Very sad indeed. I never met him. I never heard of his name. I haven’t got a chance to watch him play, which is a great shame. I was at the scene where I have my own vision of him fighting for his life. We, Deaf community, have a lost a valuable member but his spirit will be with us forever.
July 8, 2013
My thoughts and prayers go to Vitalis’s Son Fiancee family and friends I can see this is a huge loss to everyone I feel it too. No I did not know you Vitalis, but Donna is our family and we know she is hurting badly I feel I know you spiritually .’ RIP My friend’
July 8, 2013
I never met him. I never heard of his name. I haven’t got a chance to watch him play, which is great shame. I was at the scene where he fighting for his own life. Now he’s gone. We, Deaf community, has a lost valuable member but his spirit will be with us forever.
My thoughts is with Vitalis’s family and friends. Rest in peace.
July 8, 2013
It’s very sad loss of such a talented, kind and funny guy, who has inspired many of us in the Deaf community. Sympathy and sorrow to his family and friends.
David Møller
July 8, 2013
So sad to learn of dear Vitalis’ passing away. I knew him well, such a great actor with a mischievous sense of humour. He can never be replaced. My heavy heart goes out to his family. RIP.
Mark D Graham
July 8, 2013
Condolances – Hearing fan
Catrina Davis
July 8, 2013
Vitalis was a lovely man, always smiling, a pleasure to know. My thoughts are with Lina and his family. Such a shock that this could happen.
July 8, 2013
Was fortunate enough to watch him perform at the Globe last year. RIP Vitalis.
Suzanna Thomas
July 8, 2013
A tremendous loss to the Deaf community and to the wider community too! Such a waste of a life and a talent. How can violence ever solve anything? It never can and never will. My thoughts and prayers with his family at this very sad time.
Mike Aston
July 8, 2013
I was shocked to learn of this untimely death of this fine young man whom I had met for the first time only 2 weeks ago at Deaf Bikers UK’s Welsh rally in Neath, South Wales.
Johan Ros
July 8, 2013
Ik schrok heel erg wat er met hem is gebeurd. Vitalis was zo geweldig gezellig met humor man en zag toen zo gelukkig met zijn verloofde Lina..
Ik wens Lina en hun zoon heel veel sterkte verder.
Laatste keer die ik hem zag, was bij Deaf biker in Sauerland Woodpecker
Ira Rothenberg
July 9, 2013
I am from the USA myself. Vitalis and I have a mutual friend via Facebook. A few of my Facebook friends from U.K. posted about him on their timelines. I read all the loving tributes and the videos signed in BSL (I understood enough to understand). Hats off to this great fellow.
July 9, 2013
Best friend from childhood, always smiling full of drive and energy. After he moved to Ireland and UK did not see him so often, despite that we remained close friends. I really proud to have such a friend in my live and will always keep him in my heart and memories. Sympathy and sorrow to his father, mother, brother, fiancé, sun and all others close to him.
Golda Dahan
July 9, 2013
I have met Vitalis with his friend last two years ago and having a great fun with him, we went to Preston university and he enjoyed meeting with new faces and old faces, after few times I have seen him, my last saw him on Deaf Pride 29th June, having talked with him with a few words and hugs before he and his friend went to pub. I couldn’t believe that this has happen, I just wanted to send my deep sympathy to his finance, Lina and his son for the great lost of good man. Thank you x
Andrew Thompson
July 9, 2013
Vitalis was a great guy a warm heart to people to cheer laugh we been play Limpire in belfast for short time until he move to London he was full joy we still keep in touch email what go on sadly he pass away we all deeply miss him I all shall never forget him he is rock angle RIP my good friend XX
July 10, 2013
I would like to offer my sincere condolences to Vitalis’s family especially his partner and son, I have never met him or heard of him until I heard that he has died, this is a terrible tragedy especially taken a young a man life so young. May his admiration live on forever and he will always be remembered to those who knew him and loved him. Hold on to his memory as this is what you all have left of him.
Lastly my sincere condolences
Leanne xxxxx
July 11, 2013
I never met him but I live couple doors away.. R.I.P handsome men.. All local people in Upper street are shocked! Angels will look after you in heaven not angel (part of islington)! He was born in the same country as I. Gabrieliau ir Lina uzjauciu jei kuo padet galiu duokit zinot
July 13, 2013
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Yet another press by the Limping Chicken about him. We miss you terribly! <3