Deaf News: Deaf boy to receive ears grown from his own ribs

Posted on August 5, 2013 by

An eight-year-old boy who was born with microtia, a condition affecting the growth of the outer ear, will be given new ears built from his own rib cartilage.

Surgeons will create the ears for Kieran Sorkin and graft them onto the sides of his head. It is hoped that the operation will improve his hearing and self-confidence, as he will have visible ears for the first time. Currently, Kieran’s only hearing comes from hearing aids anchored to his bones.

In an article for the London Evening Standard, Kieran’s mother, Louise, said: “Kieran is a special little guy and he works really hard. He’s gentle and a typical eight-year-old boy who likes cricket and football. Kieran is always trying to make friends but he has found children always asking questions about it. They ask ‘Why are your ears like this?’ His only excuse is ‘That’s what God gave me.’

The teasing is starting already and we need to get the operation done as soon as possible before he starts senior school. He wants to look like everyone else and not be asked questions.”

Two teams of surgeons led by plastic surgery clinician Neil Bulstrode will perform the operation next year. Mr Bulstrode said: “From the cartilage I will carve a framework in the shape of an ear for both sides. Then I will place that framework in pockets under the skin, which is sucked down with a vacuum so that the skin conforms to the contours of the ear framework.”

Kieran’s big sister, Mia, and classmate, Ayelet Ezekiel, have been showing support by raising funds for the charities which have supported the family over the years.

Read the full article here -:

By Emily Howlett, Contributing Editor

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Posted in: emily howlett