The Weekend Selection: The sense of perspective edition

Posted on November 9, 2013 by

Here are the top five new blogposts from the week based on pageviews. Have a browse and tell your friends.

  1. John Walker: What disabled people are learning from taking a Deaf perspective
  2. Deaf News: Minister for Disabled People says he will consider support for deaf people
  3. Staci Jones: Why it’s hard, being a Deafie
  4. Watch: See Hear presenter Memnos Costi appearing in Holby City!
  5. Fran Benson: What should I say, when I haven’t got a clue what is being said around me?

And the top three not from the previous seven days

  1. Melinda Hildebrandt: Why I’m trying to give my daughter access to the Deaf community
  2. Ian Noon: The impact of concentration fatigue on deaf children should be factored in
  3. Charlie Swinbourne: The 10 annoying habits of hearing people

Thanks to our readers, contributors and supporters. Check us out next week when, rain or shine, we’ll be back with more top news and views from the deaf world.

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