A deaf teenager from Newcastle who is frustrated with not being able to use Sky’s On Demand TV service is taking them to task with a petition asking them to provide better access for deaf customers.
Jamie Danjoux, aged 15, set up the petition after attempting to use Sky’s OnDemand service to watch something he missed over the Christmas holidays.
He discovered that no subtitles were provided so he had to miss out. Sky’s OnDemand service is available through the Sky box connected to the internet.
Jamie, who has a severe hearing loss in both ears and needs subtitles to follow dialogue on TV, contacted Sky to complain and was quickly told why there were no subtitles. He said:
“I was planning to catch up on the missed programmes from the last night using the extended Sky OnDemand service which is streamed from the internet.”
“I had found out that none of the programmes had any subtitles. I contacted Sky about this via their live chat service and I was told ‘We had subtitles earlier but it had been stopped and it was Sky’s decision.’ I know that other providers such as Virgin Media and TalkTalk provide this service and give viewers an option to turn on the subtitles.”
This petition follows in the footsteps of another aimed at Lovefilm which was launched in the run up to Christmas. So far, that petition has been ignored by Lovefilm despite 13,000 signatures and the company being written to by the Chief Executive of Action on Hearing Loss, Paul Breckell, and Lib Dem MP Sir Malcolm Bruce.
Jamie seems to be faring no better than that so far, despite the fact that 1,300 people have supported him.
“I have had no email back from Sky since sending an email to the CEO Jeremy Darroch.” Jamie said.
“I sent off an email explaining I had set up a petition and why subtitles should be enabled. It is unacceptable because it is denying people who have hearing loss access to the same level of entertainment as hearing people. Deaf charities and organisations have done a lot to change attitudes and behaviours but I think more still could be done.”
Other providers, such as Netflix, subtitle much more of their content and Jamie claims that Virgin and Talk Talk’s services provide subtitles too.
Sky also run a service called Sky Go, which streams content without subtitles to computer devices; but if you’re deaf, unless you record it on your main Sky box, you’ve missed it forever.
One of the most frustrating aspects for Jamie is that, according to his conversation with Sky, the decision to remove subtitles was taken when the technology to display them exists.
“Knowing that Sky had deliberately made that decision made me feel angry, upset and that my disability didn’t matter to them. It has also made me feel that I have very limited access to Sky services including Sky OnDemand and Sky Go. If I thought it would change Sky’s decision on subtitles then I would do my best to go and protest – they are discriminating against people with hearing loss and that is unacceptable.”
You can sign Jamie’s petition here: http://www.change.org/en-GB/
By Andy Palmer, Deputy Editor. Andy volunteers for the Peterborough and District Deaf Children’s Society on their website, deaf football coaching and other events as well as working for a hearing loss charity. Contact him on twitter @LC_AndyP (all views expressed are his own).
May 21, 2014
Sky have continullay said the reason there are no subtitles on sky on demand,Catch up and Sky Go is due tot the fact subtitles on Sky Go,Sky On Demand would increase the Download time for between 30 minutes and 90 minutes.Subtitles will only be available on Sky GO and Catch Up TV on newer SKY Plus HD boxes.But LET US BE CLEAR Sky could start subtitles on On Demand,Sky Go and Catch Up TV NOW if they wanted to. It would just take a lot longer for On Demand Services to Download.
June 13, 2014
There isnt subtitles on the hd boxes,either
July 19, 2014
Any updates?
Liz Ballantine
September 8, 2014
At the age of 50 something, I am trying to catch up with technology. I just bought a 60 inch telly and upgraded to Sky HD. Imagine my horror to discover that Catch Up, etc isn’t subbied. The technology is there??? So, we get a reduction in our subscription because we receive a substandard service?? Isn’t that blatant discrimination?
Can you imagine, ‘yes we have a ramp for wheelchair accessibility but we have decided not to use it’. Can you imagine the uproar if a company said that??
So once again, the deaf and hard of hearing just roll over and let them away with it. I am getting mighty cheesed off with being silent. What say you all that we demand the service or we hit them with a mass action claiming discrimination?
Would love to hear comments and get this site back up to the top of the page!!!!!!!
September 8, 2014
It’s not good enough.
David Day
February 11, 2015
You could have a choice to down load with or without subtile it not difficult to do
They can’t be bothered just take your money then laugh at you they don’t treat us equal as hearing people we pay the same price what do we get only left overs from the BBC and ITV that got subtitle
I am not impressed with sky
Derek Colvin
May 21, 2015
Sky are a disgrace,Netflix is the way forward,almost all their programs and films are subtitled
May 21, 2015
I didn’t know Netflix was good with subtitles. Looks like I’ll be signing up for Netflix. Sky needs to buck up their ideas.
June 19, 2015
hi jamie why not target the sponsors of these pennypinching film channels by asking your followers to boycott the product and to write and tell them one thing advertisers are scared of is bad publicity we in merthyr are with you good luck
Joel piacentini
July 30, 2015
Yes netflix is excellent for subtitles. The idea that subtitles would increase download times for sky seems just an excuse to me. How can including text make much difference to a video file? Video files are large, text files are small. Sounds like tosh to me!
November 22, 2015
They take your money and say up yours