At weekends and bank holidays, we publish popular articles from our archive, which you might have missed the first time round! Tell us which articles you think should be reposted by emailingthelimpingchicken@gmail.com
1. One in six people are deaf, according to the stats
This means that around 10 million people in the UK have some level of deafness.
Or, put another way, a random person you bump into on the street is more likely to be deaf than a Manchester United supporter (which is estimated by the club as being 6.59m people).
2. We have our own beautiful language. British Sign Language
It’s got its own grammar, syntax and structure that distinguishes it from English.
BSL was recognised officially in 2003 – however, Deaf groups, such as the British Deaf Association and the Spit the Dummy Facebook group are still campaigning for better rights for BSL users.
3. But not all deaf people can sign
The number of deaf people who use BSL as their primary language is usually estimated to be around 70,000 to 90,000 people.
Yesterday, the BDA claimed that there are 156,000 people who use BSL at home, following the results of the Scottish Census – contradicting the UK Census which came back with a measly figure of around 15,000 people.
Whichever statistic you take, it’s likely there are at least 9,844,000 deaf people who don’t use BSL as their first language.
Many of them use other methods of communication, including Sign Supported English (which uses English as a base for signed communication), using their residual hearing through hearing aids or cochlear implants, or lipreading.
Or a combination of all of the above, and some other things too.
These deaf people are also fighting for their rights – check out the Pardon Facebook group and offer them your support.
4. But not all deaf people can lipread
Just as not all deaf people can sign. We’re diverse, you see.
5. And for those who can, lipreading is an inexact science
It is estimated that around 70% of lipreading is guesswork, which makes lipreading hard work.
Though there’s a lot of fun to be had when you’re able to ‘oversee’ conversations, or spot what Prince Harry is saying at the Royal Wedding.
6. Deaf people really do see better
In our periphial vision at least. It’s been proven, scientifically.
We see everything. It’s almost spooky.
Scrap that. It is spooky.
7. We have our own TV programme, and it’s one of the longest running programmes in the world
See Hear, we salute you. Especially now you’re safe from the BBC axe.
Clive Mason, Memnos Costi and Lara Crooks, you are our TV presenting legends.
*doffs cap*
8. Not all of us want to hear more
Many of us are happy just as we are. However strange it might sound to hearing people, being Deaf (with a big D) is part of our cultural identity.
And when it’s all you’ve ever known, and you really love your life, why would you want to be different?
If you want to know more, check out this link on the cultural model of deafness/disability versus the medical model, then forever hold your peace.
9. But some of us do want to hear more
So we wear hearing aids, or have cochlear implants.
Yet some of us are culturally ‘Deaf’ too.
We’re diverse. I may have said that already, but it’s worth saying again.
10. You might be joining us some day soon
Apparently, many of you hearing folk like listening to music too loudly (naughty naughty), and you may become prematurely deaf as a result, with over 14 million British people set to be deaf by 2031.
Especially at risk, according to a story last week, are French Horn players in orchestras.
We feel your French Horn-playing pain.
But as the author Bella Bathurst (who went deaf, then became hearing again) said on this site, you can learn a lot from the deaf experience.
We look forward to one day introducing you to our world.
By Charlie Swinbourne. Charlie is the editor of Limping Chicken, as well as being a journalist and award-winning scriptwriter. He writes for the Guardian and BBC Online, and as a scriptwriter, penned the films My Song, Coming Out and Four Deaf Yorkshiremen.
The Limping Chicken is the UK’s deaf blogs and news website, and is the world’s most popular deaf blog.
Make sure you never miss a post by finding out how to follow us, and don’t forget to check out what our supporters provide:
- Phonak: innovative technology and products in hearing acoustics
- Ai-Live: Live captions and transcripts
- Bellman: hearing loss solutions
- Deaf Umbrella: sign language interpreting and communications support
- SignVideo: Instant BSL video interpreting online
- 121 Captions: captioning and speech-to-text services
- Doncaster School for the Deaf: education for Deaf children
- Signworld: online BSL learning and teaching materials
- Exeter Deaf Academy: education for Deaf children
- SignHealth: healthcare charity for Deaf people
- Lipspeaker UK: specialist lipspeaking support
- CJ Interpreting: communication support in BSL
- SDHH: Deaf television programmes online
- Sign Solutions:, language and learning
- Sign Lingual: BSL interpreting and communication services
- Action Deafness Communications: sign language and Red Dot online video interpreting
- Hamilton Lodge School in Brighton: education for Deaf children
- RAD: financial advice for Deaf people
- cSeeker: Online booking for communication support
- Krazy Kat: visual theatre with BSL
- Enable Support Services: Supporting Deaf children and adults in Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk
- Sign Language Days: Sign language learning in schools
April 3, 2015
CAPTIONING needs mention. As often happens, it’s ignored. Feeling left out, millions of us.
“Some other things” does not do it.
Dan Anderson
April 4, 2015
What an excellent piece of writing. My daughter is deaf and I found this article really interesting, not to mention very uplifting.
April 7, 2015
Most of deaf people are more happy being deaf since birth with first bsl language.
We still feel as third party all the time. Still have risk everyday lifes. Think about when deaf people go to A & E without interpreter in very short notice? Deaf people have more risky with poor health than hearing people due communication breakdown without interpreter provided. Yes we all have very good eyes to use visuals.