One of the most urgent matters in today’s news is that of climate change and the plastic crisis.
BBC’s See Hear produced a brilliantly informative environmental special a couple of months back. This episode clearly explained why our planet’s temperature is dangerously increasing and experts suggested practical steps we can take to help.
After scouring the internet for further tips and advice, I discovered that absolutely none of the main charities such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth or WWF have any information available in BSL. Even smaller, local organisations who act as advocates for environmental change have no access in place for sign language users.
After a call out on social media for BSL resources I was guided to a Facebook group; BSL Save the Earth. The group, it seems, is the only online resource available for deaf people to share environmental news or tips in BSL.
The founder of the group, Janet Payne, told me about herself and her eco-loving ways and why she feels BSL users are excluded from climate change campaigns.
Hi Janet, can you tell me about yourself and how your interest in environmental matters began?
Hi, I was born in Cumbria and I moved to Nottingham at a young age to go to a deaf school. Although we moved, we still visited Cumbria as a family 3-5 times a year and it was through my parents influence that I learnt how to reduce waste, reuse things without throwing them away, use less chemicals. My parents were very committed to green living.
When I was young I struggled to understand National Geographic magazine, so I gave up. Later on I started to try and read it again. This magazine had a big impact on me because of how I saw wild animals, environmental issues, chemicals, different cultures in different countries.
When I was young my parents also took me on a trip through Europe where I saw all kinds of environments, some healthy, some not. This helped me visually see and understand what happens overseas. So when I had children I decided to take them a lot to the Lake District because I wanted them to see natural forests, lakes, wild animals with no busy roads or people.
So have you always been plastic free?
Not really as back then I did use plastic things and chemicals for the household because I didn’t realise how important it was to consider how they affect the earth. When my parents died, I collected some of their household belongings and I was really surprised to see such few cleaning bottles as they made their own chemical free household products.
It made me realise they did instil these values in me and teach me these things. So I started to go chemical free, using old traditional ingredients because traditional products don’t harm the ocean, land or peoples health. It’s things like baking soda, fresh lemon, white vinegar.
What inspired you to set up BSL Save the Earth on Facebook?
A few years ago Sky started a campaign called Sky ocean rescue. I wanted to get involved but I wanted to watch BSL interpretations not just subtitles. I emailed them and asked if they could provide BSL but they told me they only had subtitles and that should be good enough. I was so frustrated! I explained to them that deaf people don’t always rely on subtitles because of the English.
It made me think long and hard how can I tell my deaf friends and other deaf people about all these things seriously affecting the earth? I feel like hearing people always get information before deaf people do, I don’t like that. I started to search if there were any BSL or international environmental facebook pages or websites with sign language. I was so surprised to find there is none. So I asked a few close friends about it and they advised me to set up BSL Save the Earth.
What sort of response have you had from the page?
The group has been quite successful, sometimes when I visit places for deaf social events people want to have a photo with me. They say they love BSL save the earth and think its fantastic, they’ve learned so much about it. I didn’t realise so many deaf people have now learnt to reduce using plastic things or chemicals and I feel really proud of them for changing their attitude. I also learn new things from them!
So what’s your biggest environmental concern that you’re trying to raise awareness about?
Reducing or getting rid of plastic completely! Fish in oceans will eat any plastic things because they cant tell the difference between coral plants or plastic at first glance. So often fisherman will remove plastic from inside fish tummys, these fish still get sent to supermarkets for us to buy and eat. I also want to raise awareness about how much plastic people have in their bathroom. You can have thousands of bottles in your bathroom! Shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, toothpaste… you can get plastic free products for all of these.
Do you think there’s enough information in BSL for deaf people to be aware and informed?
I haven’t found anything, that’s why I set up the Facebook page. Whenever I read magazines or articles I always think its important to translate into BSL. I think deaf people can make small changes to change their life and their world. It just about translating information so they understand and are aware of it and then they can make their own choices.
What’s next for the group, any news to share with us?
I will be creating a website for BSL Save the Earth, to be announced later this year so please keep an eye on the Facebook group.
Janet has created a brief BSL video for Limping Chicken on simple tips to start reducing plastic. See below for video and transcript.
How to try and reduce using plastic bottles? I’ll give you my tips
If you need a cold drink, maybe its warm and you’re thirsty, you can get (taps) your own reusable bottle. If you go into a shop, or a coffee shop like Costa you can use this reusable bottle to put your cold drink in. You keep the bottle, you don’t throw it away.
Or if you want a hot drink to take out with you, maybe on a lovely outdoors walk with fresh air. You don’t need to have a throwaway cup, you can use one of these (thermos flask.) You can use it to put your Latte in and the coffee shop will discount the price. You don’t need to throw the flask, you can keep using it. So you wont be wasting any plastic, which is great! So please think twice before using plastic.
Janet’s hobbies are kickboxing, yoga, searching for new household chemical free cleaners and sharing these with friends. To view and join her BSL page and community, see BSL Save the Earth on Facebook.
Posted on August 5, 2019 by Rebecca A Withey