Billy Read: Dancing through lockdowns, being on Blue Peter and my new free dance classes for deaf children!

Posted on May 17, 2021 by

Since the first lockdown began, I’ve been running Zoom workshops for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children around the UK.

Throughout three lockdowns, my fully accessible dance classes taught by myself in BSL have brought smiles and joy to many young Deaf kids who have been stuck at home, especially those who feel isolated due to their deafness.

This made me realise the importance of Deaf role models like myself, being present in their homes through Zoom video calls, teaching and entertaining them in a shared common language which they are not able to engage in with their own hearing family members.

 During summer last year, I launched a series of dance tutorials across my social media channels, aimed at young Deaf kids who were struggling with loneliness and lack of communication with their family during lockdown, things that their hearing peers don’t experience. The series also guest featured a Deaf professional dancer, my partner Ariel Fung, from Hong Kong.

This project was commissioned by Creative Black Country, and ran throughout the summer of 2020, totalling 16 fully-accessible tutorial videos (you can watch these on my YouTube Page or on my Facebook Page:

In September, I continued my Zoom classes weekly, teaching groups of pupils from schools around the country. I teach beginners level street dance, all my classes are in BSL which is perfect for sign language users, and there is voiceover so they can be easily accessed by non-sign language users too.

With the support of NDCS, Deaf Explorer, UK Deaf Sport and their #DeafActiveOnline campaign, I’ve been able to run several series of exciting weekly sessions, and I am truly appreciative of their ongoing support in allowing these successful classes to continue.

However, I could not have anticipated the positive impact my classes have had on the individuals who took part.

One such participant, called Molly, was so inspired by my class, she personally wrote a letter to Blue Peter to request that I receive a Blue Peter Badge.

Imagine my surprise when I received an email from the Blue Peter team presenting me with the badge. To learn the reason behind it, warmed my heart and truly made my day.

 Shortly after that, the Blue Peter team got in touch with me again, and asked if I’d come into the studio for a live TV interview and performance, during Deaf Awareness Week. Naturally this was a huge surprise. Nevertheless, I decided to go ahead with the show, which aired on CBBC on 6th May.

A valuable lesson I learned from teaching these classes, is how important it is for Deaf kids to have role models who are there for them consistently – regularly providing motivational and enjoyable activities, encouraging them to believe in themselves, and inspiring them to overcome the challenges they face in a hearing environment, and maybe even one day become Deaf role models themselves.

I feel a huge sense of responsibility in connecting with these kids, as I know very well the difficulties they face, having been through the same experience myself.

Following the success of my Zoom dance classes, I’ve started a brand new series of classes for #DeafActiveOnline, which runs every Tuesday at 2pm.

All my classes are free and any child can join, just get in touch with me or email Deaf Explorer at for more details.

If you enjoy my videos, be sure to like my page Def Motion on Facebook and Instagram to keep updated with exciting new content.

Billy is an avid world traveller and blogger at BRB Gone Somewhere Epic. When not travelling, Billy teaches dance classes and creates dance theatre on commissioned projects. See for more dance news!

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