Rebecca A Withey: ‘signsinging for fun’ sessions, aimed at reducing isolation

Posted on March 17, 2022 by

Back when we were following lockdown restrictions, I ran a sign singing course online with Kakou music called Fusion Music and was blown away by the positive response we had.

Week by week deaf and hearing participants joined me online as we learnt the lyrics to the Nina Simone classic, “I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free.” We then collected individual videos of the BSL verses from the participants to create a group performance accompanied by musicians and singers – all online!

The end result was stunning and we all felt so proud to have produced something together as a result of our online meetings.

I remember thinking how powerful and incredibly useful technology was at keeping us all connected during a time when we had to remain physically apart.

Although we have considerably more freedom nowadays here in the UK, I’m aware that there are still people in the UK and across the globe who are socially isolated for a number of reasons. This is why I’m so pleased to be working again with Kakou and delivering a brand new course of “SignSinging for Fun sessions.”

The funding for the course is from the Feeling Connected programme and essentially it’s aim is to bring people together, reducing loneliness and isolation. The sessions are open to absolutely anyone as I’ll be hosting two sessions a week – one for complete BSL beginners and another for fluent BSL users.

There will be a BSL interpreter present with me during the beginners session to ensure all communication runs smoothly and we will be looking at different fun pop songs each week, picking up lots of signs along the way.

For those who are able to converse in BSL (whether you’re hearing or deaf) the second session will allow BSL users to come together with me every week and enjoy exploring songs in a fun, friendly environment!

There are five weeks of sessions currently available to book onto – all free of charge – and we intend to deliver more sessions after Easter.

When the organisers told me the beginners first session was fully booked up, I was pleased but not too surprised. Given that the course is free for participants I am glad that so many people are taking a valuable opportunity to learn a bit of BSL!

I was more surprised and absolutely thrilled when we discovered the fluent group was also fully booked up with numerous deaf people, coda’s and interpreters signing up for the course!

I’m so glad that we are moving away from the stigma that deaf people can’t enjoy music. It’s a joy to see deaf BSL users coming together to have fun with something that for so long society deemed “not for them” and breaking the stereotype that in order to be “part of the deaf community”, you need to steer clear of anything music related!

Times are certainly changing with deaf musical artists coming forth and creating waves and I’m really excited to see where this signsinging for fun group takes us.

Connecting socially, whether in person or online, is so important for our mental health and well being and just the act of doing simple things for fun each week can impact our lives in a really positive way.

I look forward to e-meeting a lot of you online soon and hopefully reporting back on the fun we’ve had!

For further details and to book onto any of the sessions;

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