Paul Challinor: I’m a web designer and entrepreneur who just happens to be deaf (BSL)

Posted on November 17, 2023 by

Hello! My name is Paul, and I am a professional web designer and entrepreneur. I’m based in Buckinghamshire, and I specialise in creating accessible and intuitive websites for a diverse range of clients. I happen to be deaf, which has given me a unique perspective on accessibility and communication in the digital space.

My web design business is all about providing tailored solutions to businesses and individuals looking to establish or enhance their online presence. A typical day for me involves client consultations, designing mockups, coding, and testing for accessibility. I also spend time staying up-to-date with the latest web technologies and design trends.

I was inspired to start my own business by the desire for independence and the challenge of creating designs that communicate effectively without sound. This was both a personal passion and a market need I identified.

Being deaf in this field comes with challenges, particularly around communication with clients who may not be familiar with working with someone who is deaf. I overcome these by using various communication tools and making sure there’s a clear understanding of the project requirements from the outset.

The most common misconception about deafness is that it prevents effective communication. In reality, it just changes the way communication happens. As for web design, people often think it’s just about making things look pretty, when in fact it’s about problem-solving and functionality.

I love the creative and technical aspects of my work. Bringing a client’s vision to life and seeing their business grow as a result is incredibly rewarding.

Memorable moments come with every project launch — it’s a culmination of hard work and collaboration. Challenges are part and parcel of the job, from tight deadlines to complex technical issues, but they’re what keep the work exciting.

To another deaf person looking to follow a similar path, I’d say: Embrace your unique perspective, be confident in your skills, and don’t shy away from advocating for the communication methods that work best for you.

And for someone considering training in web design, I’d advise: Go for it! The field is constantly evolving, and there’s always something new to learn. Plus, the digital world is vast, and there are plenty of resources and communities to support you.

You can check out Paul’s portfolio and see his range of services on his website at and

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